A place to babble endlessly about the mundane ongoings of my life the center of which are... hockey, dogs, and cake.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
From there, a quick lunch with the girls and wandering the mall as a group. I felt like the plastics walking down the halls taking up the whole width. Finally yesterday a few hours at the salon and a few drinks w/ the girls. It was a great day. :)
Today I figure it's movie day. I watched Bad Boys II and then headed back to the mall to meet the Slipster for lunch. From there I returned to Bath and Body and got the lavender goodies I wanted - on sale or not. So, now I need someone who can help me w/ the lavender massage oil - any takers? :)
I'm listening to a new album I picked up at the moment - at the suggestion of Brian - Low's Trust CD. It's pretty decent. A little more mellow and less hate-filled than most of my music, but still quite nice. Mayhaps after I'll watch a few more movies, unless of course Davey-Boy is up for a trip out for a drink or two. Ah. It's so nice to not have anything pressing for a while. Hockey tomorrow... and new years eve parties too!
"I fell hard. I fell fast. Mercy me. It'll never last. -Low"
Monday, December 27, 2004
I stopped off at Blockbuster and raided the sale previously viewed racks. I officially need more space for my movies. I also need to start a list so I know what all I have. That goes for my CDs as well. Maybe that will keep me busy some afternoon after the rugrats have departed.
I had a freaky dream last night about Jeff Zehr. He needed to talk to me but didn't get to say about what before the niece woke me. *laugh* Again, the human mind and dreams are just screwy.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
I did opt to drag the rugrats back from my mom's, so I've been kept in the entertainment of my niece and nephew since last evening. So there are movies, and playstation games gallore. Is it wrong that when my nephew picked up a hooker and then beat her to death to get his money back on Grand Theft Auto III that I was proud? *laugh*
All the beautiful people of Johnstown should be on their way back to town today (yes, you have to import beautiful people from Canada to make this place look good - and yes, I'm referring to many of the hockey players). I guess most of the beauty stems from Jean Desrochers this year, but I digress. *grin* I know there are many friends of mine that look forward to their return for very similar reasons.
I was talking with a couple friends about hitting practice later in the week, since I'm off of work and whatnot, but I may end up hitting tomorrow's too, as my niece wants to go since there isn't a game until after they leave. I've already threatened that if she embarasses me I'll have to get even the next time I visit Texas.
Friday, December 24, 2004
I spent a little time having fun with the niece today. A litle bit of ice time so I don't completely forget how to skate and a couple more games of bowling. With the nephew visiting other family it's a little quiet here. I just might make it through the evening w/o snapping *smile* course, mom can still pick in all the right ways. I did have to brave my fellow humans for a brief period earlier today at the Giant Eagle and what a nightmare. If you see someone with two 20lb bags of dog food in their arms - for the love of God, get your cart out of the way.
Now, who wants to eat all of the cookies that are sitting around... help save me from myself. I personally am just crossing my fingers that the sushi joint is open this evening. Nothing says Merry Christmas like Christmas eve dinner of sushi.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I neglected to report my fun last evening, as I had returned back to my home town to watch a buddy ref a swimming meet. Most people don't realize I use to swim. I sucked at it, but I swam. Anyhow, the current coach back home was our top male swimmer when I was in school. It was kind of amusing to see him there coaching. It was even more fun to get a whiff of the chlorine - I've SO missed it. I might just listen to Davey T and get my PIAA certification and do some reffing next year.
"It has been five days, you haven't called me. -Destiny's Child"
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I know this already. It was 5 degrees at the bank when I came home. 5 degrees. Kill me now. At least there isn't a foot of snow. Course, now that I typed that I suspect I'll find a bit tomorrow morning to clean off the car.
BTW. Doubt you read this, but if you do. Yeah. I'm still afraid of boys. That would be why I run and hide - I know you noticed this as you seem to still know where I am hiding. I'm such a retard.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
GQ you're too nice of a guy. Even if you did scare the crap out of me opening that door. How do I rate?
Tomorrow I make the run to get my sister and her family. Hopefully we'll be back in time for the game. Mayhaps I'll drag the rugrats with, we'll see. Ok, must sleep now.
Related to events at the party... I think I've turned partially into a former relative-in-law. Maybe it is all about attitude, and that can draw people to you. Yes, I will ALWAYS find it strange when guys hit on me in any way, shape, or form. Further, I'm always shocked as hell when a guy that I think is pretty good looking even talks to me. When you evolve that into me being able to sit and talk back for an extended period of time without feeling like I said something incredibly stupid... go me!
To make me extra happy the Chiefs shut out Dayton 3-0. Since I was no longer listening midway through the second period I heard from another source that Desrochers had a pseudo scrap which gave him 5 in the box. *ha* Let me explain, you need not fight to impress me. *grin*
Friday, December 17, 2004
Did you ever have an epiphany? Like you're just laying there, half asleep and something comes to you - something that you shouldn't know about? That happened last night. I'm rather interested to get some information from this person to see how accurate my little poof of information is. Sometimes the subconscious mind freaks me out. Needless to say, depending whether I get blown off this weekend or not may determine if I ever get the answer to that question.
"But now I am strong because of you -Beyonce"
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Some of those pics. Wow. GQ from the PQ. Double wow. I'm going to go get a cold shower now. I'm glad I was there, or I would have been pissed. *laugh*
Cavy and Bowman breakdancing? Cavy, you really got your jiggy on last night didn't you? Tremblay, thanks for letting me borrow your cowboy hat, despite it leaving you with hat head. BK is cat in the hat (with a few drinks). And who would have thought Jean would eat the hershey kiss and leave the cookie behind. What's up with that? tsk tsk.
Hildy also got back into town and joined us, so welcome back Hildy. Christalin, it was good to meet you. Kristi - hope you had fun, I'm glad you got up and danced and had a smile on your face, you should have one.
"I look around but you're out of sight. -Ian Van Dahl"
Monday, December 13, 2004
A happy birthday to Batesy, no, not the fish... the hockey player.
Tonight should be good for entertainment as it's the annual fan club Christmas party. Woohoo! I doubt highly I'll be dancing much until I get a few drinks in me as my legs are still sore from Saturday. Damn I'm old.
Today is also the two year anniversary of realizing that you can not trust anyone, not matter how long you've known them or been with them. I still maintain how fortunate some people were that they were outside of the continental US when I caught on.
As Eminem states earlier in this song... sixteen bars, this ain't enough to put some ink to... so today's quote will go beyond the normal boundaries.
"I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye
I hate your fuckin' guts, you fuckin' slut--I hope you die
But please don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or mad
It's not that I still love you, it's not 'cause I want you back
It's just that when I think of you, it makes me wanna yak.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
I made a quick grocery store run today and some other little things. I find it funny how people get use to being overly busy - so much so that they can't cope with being able to sit around and do nothing. Yes, I'm bored already. I'm still a little anxious, and I will be until I get my grade. In my grocery run I pleased the dogs greatly by picking up some bones for them to stay entertained with tonight.
I don't know if it's the weather change (we got our first real dusting of snow last night), but something is up with the dogs. Satin has been a sleeping fiend lately. I typically let them both outside when I roll out of bed in the morning and then head for the shower. Lately it's been, let Vixen out, get a shower, go pry Satin off of her pillow. Hopefully she's just lazy, and not starting to demonstrate how old she is. Just in case the weather is bothering her joints I've started back up with her joint care tablets. We'll see.
Now, to appease my boredom and to make my mind wander through things I'd evaluated time and time again - it's time to toss in When Harry Met Sally again.
Speaking of parties. I had a good time this evening at my work party. I didn't drink as much as I did last year, which is good. I also still rode home in Kirk's vehicle listening to Depeche Mode, I think I'm going to call it a tradition now, that it's happened two years in a row. No I didn't ACCIDENTLY miss the bus, this year we did it on purpose to ride home with the Kirkus. Grub was good, company was even better - and I got my groove on just in time to call it a warm up for Monday. What??? OKKKK!
Last night was fun, despite our loss in Reading. The road trip wasn't too terribly long. Overtime overtime. It's good to see you finally become our friend.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Yesterday felt like it should be Friday, today feels even more so as such. Tonight there will be no work brought home with me and no class work. I think I'll manage to cope w/ the boredom. Maybe a DVD, or falling asleep way earlier - which sounds like a good idea. All I know for certain is that there is a bottle of Kahlua and one of Vodka calling my name.
So what did Judy do to go celebrate, well let me tell you. First I did a little shopping. I can't believe I don't have ALL of the gifts I need just yet. Only one or two more to go. I also picked up some bling to go with my dress for Saturday.
Anyhow, then I went to see Blade Trinity. I know, some people hated the sequel, but I liked it. If you dug the second flick, you'll appreciate the third one as well. If for no other reason than the fact that the age old question as to the erotic nature of bloodlust is answered. *ha*
I really liked the character Danica Talos' look, it's an uber-gothy style that I need to put into my arsenal to pull out when needed - minus the hair. If you see the movie, tell me that from the side this girl doesn't look like a betta fish all flared up. Also, I was right in my shock that the one girl in the flick was also in American Pie. Sure enough, it was her! With that, now I sleep.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I came home and worked on my paper and have it to the point where I could turn it in now if I HAD to. Just a little more work and I can send it off. Maybe I will be able to attend my class tomorrow night and go to Reading on Friday with a clear mind! Hmm, I wonder if I could go catch Blade III tonight.
I don't recall if I reported that Stevenson was recalled back to Cleveland, but I found this article which tweaks me off a little. I understand the theory here, but I'm a little irritated at the way this article reads. So being in Johnstown, playing for the Chiefs is a punishment? Not in my eyes. Grant Stevenson was BLESSED to come to our town and to be a Chief. Can I hear a "thank you coach may I have another"? Incidently, Mr. Downey is also gone, once again, to my understanding.
"Now I'm losing who I am. -Drain STH"
Monday, December 06, 2004
I digress. I am glad I left myself a note, as in my rushed day I didn't get a chance to relay a humorous dog story to my blog, the title IS Hockey, _Dogs_, and Cake after all. So here goes. Last evening I had a fire going which was heating up the living room, kitchen and hall quite nicely. Of course that meant the heat wasn't kicking on, and with the bedroom door closed it was destined to be pretty cold in there by the time I went to bed. So, I propped open the door and strategically placed a basket of dirty clothes in the entryway to prevent the dogs from wandering in (mostly to keep Vixen off of my bed).
Satin loves to test boundaries, so I didn't have high expectations of this ghetto solution, but to my surprise - she remained out of the bedroom all evening. WOW! Alas, it's about that time, a little after midnight and I'm bushed from cranking out more of my paper. I brush my teeth and come out to gather my girls into the room for a good night's sleep, but I can't find Satin. After looking around a little I decided to enter the room and move the basket of clothes.
TADA! Satin is curled up - fast asleep on her pillow in the corner of the bedroom. Yes, my dog is smarter than me. It was nice of her however to humor me and stay out of the room until bedtime.
Anyhow, time to jet to the fan club meeting.
And, by the way, RP... I heard what you did. *smacks forehead* honey... c'mon.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Friday's game Mather gave us our lone score against Dayton finishing the game down . Saturday our lone goal came from BK and we ended up down 6 to 1 here at home! Well, Notermann being w/ AC didn't help us much as he quickly snapped up two goals. Sorry Notes, we have to yell and scream at you now that you left us *shrug*
Well, let's see how the boys do today in Trenton. Maybe the loss last night signals a change for things to come on the road (keep in mind the road has NOT been good to us so far this season).
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Yes, it's clear there will be no working on the paper this afternoon. There will only be drinking and preparation for relaxation at the game. Call it my last supper.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Insanity number 1: [article] Bonds says he UNKNOWINGLY took steriods. Are you hearing me here people? Unknowingly. Even if the "medications" had names I was unfamiliar with I might inquire as to what exactly I was receiving. If you're not smart enough to tend to your person you should be wearing a helmet like Miss Clara's cousin Bleh. (If you don't catch my reference you need to watch more comedy central).
Insanity number 2: [article] The term master/slave, as used for computers was banned as being RACIALLY offensive in LA. WHAT?! RACIALLY? Um. I didn't realize bondage had anything to do with race... oh wait, it's not bondage, it's the oppression of geeks and their humor everywhere. Just ask Cartman: "Seriously. I HATE YOU GUYS."
Insanity number 3: [article] Men wearing the wrong size condoms. Is this really a discussion? What shocks me is that this article claims nearly half of the men out there try to squeeze into condoms that are ... TOO SMALL. Where ARE these men?
On other, decent news, the NHL and NHLPA are looking to have negotations. I don't expect much to come of this aside from a formal announcement that the rest of the season is axed, but it's good to see something new on this front.
With local hockey here's the latest words: Bill Downey is resigned with us, at least to help us cover whilest we're down a few. My understand is that we will be missing our latest captain, Mather due to personal reasons. Sully has been blessed to hit the ice again... and Tremblay is now on 7-day IR. Oh, and Desrochers is still pretty.
"Burn the witch. Just bring me back her head. -Hole"
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Not much going on in hockey world, which is good, because I can focus on other things I need to accomplish. Hildy was called up to the AHL - well, they phrased it as 'loaned'. So three cheers to him. Ok. Time to make a pot of coffee and get serious about the things I need to wrap up for my class. I'm SO going to need the work party and the fan club party to get over the end of the semester. Watch out bottom of the bottle... here I come.
Have I mentioned I absolfreakinglutely adore Eminem's latest album. Heh. This man should be writing for Halmark just so I could buy cards for my ex.
"If you want me let me know, baby let it show. -Madonna"
Monday, November 29, 2004
"I would have given you all of my heart, but there's someone who's torn it apart. -Sheryl Crow"
Can I just go home and go back to bed instead? I'm back in my active dreaming phase again where I get to see so many people that I haven't seen in a while and miss terribly. I've said it before and will say it again, it's terrible when your dream world is more entertaining than and preferable to daily life.
And since I didn't post yesterday, I neglected to note the Chiefs' glorious win over the Ice Dogs. Woot!
Saturday, November 27, 2004
I snapped last night too and ordered one of this season's jerseys from Meigray last evening. Not sure what they classify as 'half way through the season' but I'll be getting a game worn whenever they ship it. I am just not a lucky person, so spending money on the jersey raffle at every game is a waste.
Today is for the removal of Thanksgiving decor and the hanging of the greens, as well as my bitchin little fiber op tree. Shiney. I like shiney things. As part of my cleaning I spontaneously participated in some type o negative therapy. It's true, therapy is expensive - but man can make fire for free.
"All of the flowers I gave her, she burned them. -Type O Negative"
Friday, November 26, 2004
"Da doying doying doying. -Eminem"
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Bowling went well last night. I even beat my high series by 4 pins. I'm still under 400 on my series but barely. If my second game didn't always completely revert to ineptitude I might be golden.
Ok, now it's time for audience participation. See the little 'comment' link below each post? I want you to click on this link and leave an anonymous post for me. Help me out here... what is WRONG with me? As I've mentioned before - I waffle back and forth between wanting to find Mr. Right and wanting to just run around and have fun. At the same time here I am two weeks from the office Christmas party and I'm dateless. I mean, how hard is it to find a date when you can offer someone surf and turf and all the free booze they can guzzle? (Even if the hockey team didn't have a game that night I'd never have the balls to twist one of their arms into going. I only mention this because several people's first response was - make a player go with you. And no, ensuring one of them is on IR is NOT a good option either, but thanks for that idea C. *bites lip*) Do I just interest myself in the unattainable ones BECAUSE they're unattainable? Is it my own subconscious effort to thwart my own efforts?
Also, if you feel so inclined, let me know at what point I'll start to understand men a little more. I've grown up with mostly male friends, I think I "get" guys better than I do females but I still end up clueless. Example: The one who should have been #1, could have been #4, the one whom I've loved for years... now disappears back into the communication void. What do I do? I turn female and start questioning why I haven't heard from him. I know that's stupid (and way too female for my own liking), but I do it.
"I may just be a little too fast pace and racey. -Eminem"
Monday, November 22, 2004
At least my paper is turned in. Now I can focus on all of the other things I don't have time to get done. Woohoo!
"Sweet raptured light, it ends here tonight. -Evanescence"
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Ok, time to share the photo of Jean Desrochers and I. Like I said, I look terrible, but eh - that's nothing new. Photos and I don't get along. Clearly, the best looking guy on the team this year *laugh* Paulie had the bad egg type of hots, Jean has the goody two-shoes good looks. Both are great, but there is something to be said about bad eggs.
Friday night's game against Dayton was quite sweet. A nice 5-1 win with goals from Bilodeau, Mather, Hildy, Tremblay and Reid. Saturday wasn't exactly the best evening, but it was a good game. We should have won, but a few small mistakes ended up allowing for a couple more Dayton goals. We still only dropped in a final score of 5-4. Good work to Mather, James, Desrochers, and Tallari for giving us the 4 we had.
While the Chiefs continued up the road to Toledo to play, our little group hauled back to Johnstown getting in around 4am. It was a good trip and very relaxing. I do have to wonder a little about the new friendships I'm forming. It's good to have hockey friends - but a little awkward to know that there are other people out there as nutty as I am *grin* You know who you are.
First, no his name isn't GENE Dishwasher, second how embarassing is getting a signature paper with x's and o's and a "Love". You guys crack me up.
Time for a little mid-season status report on a few boys:
13 Paul, Richard 9 0 2 2 0 19 5 0.0
22 Desrochers, Jean 11 4 4 8 4 0 15 26.7
Today's plans... polish off this paper and listen to the 3pm game.
On a crappy note for this weekend, yesterday morning I noticed that somehow the freezer got shut off. Something must have slid along the dial when I last closed the door. So I pitched a TON of food yesterday. *sigh* I was quite displeased.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
While there two of us were trying to determine who the eye-candy was standing with some of our scratched players. Well, now if this isn't a shock:
Assigned from Springfield Falcons, Dennis Packard... Left Wing, 6'4" 234lb, from Harvard and a PA native. If THAT is the guy, go figure. I'm telling you, there is something inherently good looking about left wingers.
Beacons lost again last evening. Eeep.
And... yesterday my Christmas party dress arrived. While, as expected, I need to do something to make sure the chest doesn't fall off, it's perfect. I KNEW it was THE dress. *woohoo*
"You're so close to me but still so distant. -Linkin Park"
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
While I'm greedy and wished he could have hung around Altoona/Johnstown for another week, I'm just glad we got to see each other a couple times and he got to meet a few of my friends, even if it does probably mean that too much information sharing will probably take place down the road. Just remember I get even, and I know SO much. *grin* Either way, I hope the drive is going well and that you find Arizona pleasing.
Sunday, November 14, 2004

And, it was made even better by my company. While it's always lovely to go to a game with the Slipster, last evening we also had Tony in tow. Nothing better than getting laughed at for the obsession he started. Follow up the game with a few drinks at Jerry's and it was a great night. Of course late nights and old age don't work well together - so I may be taking a nap later today.
Mike also was nice enough to deliver a photo I roped him into taking the night prior. I look terrible in the photo and Jean looks either 1). terrified of girls or 2). ticked at Mike. *smile* Yeah, I guess I've decided to cheer for Jean Desrochers this year. It's not quite the same but I do need to avoid being christened Mike James' fan. Besides, I have no desire to hold his purse. *grin* I still maintain that the way Tremblay sticks up for him that there is some kind of odd relationship going on there *laugh* I'M KIDDING.
The big question on your SATs this year:
Jonathan Tremblay is to Mike James as Butch is to _____.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Another loss for Port Huron this evening, and indicators are that Paulie didn't play (again). What gives toots?
I also had the special treat of watching the game with the Laws, and my dearest Jacob - even if he did bring a spider with him *grumble* In preparation for this event I skipped out on grub all day to ensure I would be able to get an ample sugar buzz. After 8 cups of coffee this morning, the cotton candy, and ice cream I will likely be awake half the night.
Earlier today I managed to sleep til noon, something I haven't done in a while (I'll blame my amazing new sheets for the regained capability), I wrapped a ton of gifts, and I watched a few movies.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Last night I slept like a baby, in my brand new black satin sheets. Ugh! My mother is crazy, sure the comforter may start to slide off of them a little, but it's so incredibly comfortable.
As for today's escapades - it's shopping time! The slipster and I hit Monroeville. Still no dress for me. I think I'm going to have to buckle and buy "the dress" that I adored online and pray that it fits, looks good, and doesn't fall off my less than robust chest at an inopportune moment (it's strapless). I did however get a few Christmas gifts purchased, so that makes me happy. Nothing like making an effort to put a couple hundred on a bare credit card.
I did a little shopping last night (pre-hockey games) too, to warm up for today. It is SO incredibly nice to have a Bed, Bath, and Beyond again. I missed that store. I also enjoyed getting to go through Ross and TJ Maxx. The creepy part is being in the Richland Mall parking lot and feeling like I'm in NC again. I don't know what it is about that new complex, but it just feels like the shopping areas I frequented down south.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
"Punkass are you listening, can you hear me? -Disturbed"
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
"Do you ever wonder where we would be if we'd have tried a little harder? -Stabbing Westward"
Monday, November 08, 2004
It's kind of a strange feeling to have both the "not ready for all that bs" tugging in one direction and the haunting thought of turning 30 next year pulling in the other direction. I can't believe it, but yes - in SOME ways I'm ticking. Maybe it's my mind telling me to live like I'm 20, but my heart telling me to get over that.
Part of it is that, if my nighttime dream world holds any water, my past is not truly buried. One can't exactly find Mr. Right if those types of things still have plans to haunt. (And yes, I do believe in the foretelling power of dreams.) In the mean time - despite getting good sleep again I remain distracted in my everyday life. Right now, if I could just find someone that is attractive enough of an option to call a date for the Christmas party I'd be happy. Guys traditionally LIKE girls that aren't clingy and don't have any desire to be. So what gives?
"I feel like I'm living the worst day, over and over again. -Simple Plan"
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
My day went fast... I feel productive at work, which is a good thing, given that yesterday I didn't have any projects or charge numbers for Monday morning, but now it looks like I'll be over tasked. Lesson number 1: a few simple emails to people you've worked with in the past tends to pay off. Lesson number 2: unless you ask, you'll never know if there is work available.
Here's to my plans of sleeping in tomorrow. Kiddies - enjoy your rest now, while you're young. One day you'll wake up (early) and you'll realize you're old. Yes, it's true, at some point your eyes start popping open at 8am on weekends and you can't sleep til noon if your life depended on it. Where has my youth gone?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I'm not the type to turn down tasking simply because it isn't in the realm of "what I do", but for once I said no - and now I'm waiting to get a bit of a butt chewing for it. It's not the work, it's the people (person) that I may have to work for. It's been years since I've worked for this person, years since they sent me home nearly crying daily... I can't believe they still have a job given the way they treat people, but regardless, I don't plan on putting my head in that chopping block again.
I guess it's time to get into the paper mindset for the evening, but boy would a nice night out at a bar feel good right about now.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I am almost looking forward to the pathetic election day coverage on the _unbiased_ television stations this evening. I wonder how many hours early the election will be called, and how many days we'll be hearing about the idiocy of voters who can't read instructions.
"I see jealousy. -Liz Phair"
Monday, November 01, 2004
Sunday, October 31, 2004
I will give kudos however to Tremblay, Desrochers, Tallari and Reid - who all, from my understanding, made an attempt to help clean up post party. Thank you for offering up a little bit of kindness to the fan club... and for being gentlemen.
They keep threating to name James my 'favorite' for this year, so I better pick one on my own, because that isn't happening. Eh.
I see Courville signed on with Reading, or - so I hear. Paul was quiet in Port Huron last evening, but at least ended up with 5 this evening for a scrap that seemed to be the tip of an iceburg. Let's get some more points bubb.
I spent most of my non-hockey waking hours today carving pumpkins for the party tomorrow. So this day was pretty much shot. Maybe I'll get some time in on my paper tomorrow evening after the shindig. But, I'm not holding my breath.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
"You let me down. -Limp Bizkit"
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Anyhow, I was reminded of that yesterday when my engine light came on on the way home from work. I stopped, snagged some oil, quickly realized in the past year of owning this vehicle, I haven't opened the hood of my Durango. Doh. Wouldn't normally be a problem - if I could have found the damn release once it was popped. Let's discuss how helpless and female this made me feel... never mind stupid. But I had to laugh. How many engine lights come on at 6400 miles. Ok, don't answer that. I'm sure Mrs. Law would point out that they had issues w/ their Dodge too, but I'm still sold on them.
I pleasantly surprised myself bowling in the 140s for two of my games last night. Yeah, I know, still not the greatest score, but I'm getting better. I've also got all of the pumpkin patterns lined up and ready to go. Now to snag the items I need to make my macaroni and cheese and to determine which halloween outfit for which day - or to repeat the one key one. So many decisions. But oh, how I love Halloween :) If only I didn't have to work I'd have time for all of those other things that are pressing.
"If you tell the world... -Aaliyah"
Monday, October 25, 2004
We're how many guys shy already, and we've got this other guy who for unknown reasons has yet to report to the team. *shrug* An interesting season it shall be. Mayhaps this is just the planets aligning way in advance. I still want to know what, if any, other NHLers tried to knock at the Chiefs' door besides Irbe.
"Would you notice if I left you? -The Cranberries"
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I feel like I was running in circles all day, but I didn't get much done. At least I got to church and got my little lesson in for the day. I really think sometimes the themes are directed at me.
It's official, Paul is signed w/ the Beacons in the UHL. And... this just cracked me up... he took on my favorite number, 13 (Bates' number and my softball number)! A fight in his first game, which I've seen good commentary on and two assists already under his belt. You say you don't score goals? Well I say you do. So give'm hell toots.
"Not just a support system... -Liz Phair"
I did accomplish some cleaning, and mowing, and bouncing around the house listening to my tunes prior to getting ready for the game. I even ran out and bought the pumpkins I need for next weekend. Let's see how much I hate pumpkins after next Saturday.
I will add to this post after the game. Hopefully I will be as 'up' as I am pre-game. I should be okay given that some of the crew and I will be grubbing prior, and a nice evening out with friends coupled with hockey always puts a smile on my face. LETS GO CHIEFS!
12:38AM (Sunday): I'm back, I'm happy! 4-3 Chiefs. We were up 4-0 but our D kind of went f-o and let Wheeling abuse Currie like a red-headed step child in the third. But he's amazing, and pulled us through like a champ. What a beautiful series of saves three on goal shots all stopped, stopped, stopped! Goals by James, Desrochers, Kozoriz, and Courchesne. Tremblay was given the day off, what gives? Game on again tomorrow!
"1,2,3 who should I kill? Every mother f*er running up the hill -Rob Zombie"
Friday, October 22, 2004
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Came home a little early since it's the end of the pay period and I had an extra hour built up. Went to feed the fish and I realized Paulie (the fish that is) is a little horn-ball. He's got a HELLA bubble nest kicking. First, yes, I did default to the name Paulie for him, it compliments Bates well. It was that or Irbe, and I still think Irbe should be reserved for dog - someday. (I think highly of my dogs, so that's a compliment). Second, bubble nests, as I mentioned in here once before is what male Bettas make waiting for a female to wander by. They put the eggs in the bubble nest. Since I didn't feed them right away they're puffin up and strutting their stuff for one another. It's so cute to watch two men trying to prove how bitchin they are.
Then I open the mail and see I'm the cover story in the fan club newsletter. *panic* Ok. I wanted to contribute, but now I feel way too exposed. Incidently, congrats to Kim and Troy! Good work keeping up with the newsletter despite the wedding. The season is here. *woot*
Now, time to consume my dinner... an apple dumpling I procured at Meatballs at lunch time. It's got an apple in it, it's healthy!
"I'm just wondering do you feel it, too. I wanna know do you want me, too. Now do you? Do you? Well, maybe you do. -Tapping the Vein"
Demo is on 7-day IR w/ a leg injury according to the paper... and, get this. Tremblay was recalled to the AHL. Yes, the coach figures he'll be back for Saturday, but how much would _that_ chap my ass if he was perminantly pulled after all has been said and done in the past week? 2 more nights. Woohoo. I guess Nailer Fan and I will be in the same section, or darn near, so at least I'll have someone to bicker with during the game.
Grubbed at Meatballs today... what an incredibly yummy cheap meal. Now I have the stamina to get back to testing, or responding to all the other developers to clear up confusion since our testing was done on a previous build. *grumble*
"I'm attracted to the fabric of waste. Watching ourselves as our bodies decay. -Machines of Loving Grace"
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I was asked several times about pics of my one tattoo. It's funny how many people have been asking lately to see the tattoo or what the tattoo that they see sticking out a little is of. It has always given me a smile when someone coyly says, "I don't want to be rude or anything, but can I see your tattoo?" It was even funnier when I was with one of my ex's and had the individual ask for permission from the guy I was with prior to asking me. Anyhow... Yes, it exists... fine. I give. Here.
It's a little grainy, but it's an okay shot of it. The colors are more vibrant than you'd guess from this pic. I don't wear too much to show it off as it's not suppose to be out in the sun anyhow.
Enjoy you perverts.
While talking to someone on messenger I was reminded of my high school physics teacher in a discussion of volts and amps. So, I feel compelled to put a thank you out there to Mr. Menard, who taught me how to catch. Well, okay, I learned how to catch after getting pegged by erasers and rubber balls quite a few times. But it still makes me laugh. I guess I have him to thank for being able to catch the grounders that came winging at me during softball last summer.
"Now I find that most of the time, love's not enough - in itself. -Depeche Mode"
Twas pleasantly surprised with my first two games at bowling last night, but true to form I made up for that in my third game *doh* I'm tied with another young girl on my team for average - I must have a way too competitive spirit or something, because that simply won't do.
What else is new... the dogs are pissy because of all of the rain. I am still voting for the why complain, at least it isn't snow - but the dreary weather doesn't help lighten my somber mood. Maybe opening night will clear that up, even if it's not my preferred lineups. I did make some progress on my paper, but I'm sure I'll still be stressing Friday night trying to finish cranking it out.
Still no word on signings of those dropped, but I am seeing many more AHLers getting pushed to other teams and deeper cuts. With ECHL opening night rosters due this afternoon I guess we'll see what's up pretty soon. Campbell, one of our goalies from last year was also released from down in Texas. Sounds like a good number of former Chiefs are suffering right now. Um, hello NHL... thanks for that.
"I refuse to let you play me for a fool. -J-Lo" (Yes, I'm ashamed to post that but I typically quote off of whatever is playing when I finish up my entry.)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
"What am I doing here? What am I waiting for? -Tapping the Vein"
Monday, October 18, 2004
Do you ever wonder how often you're right when you think you've clicked with someone? I mean, let's say you feel like there is somethere there between you and YOUR Jake (again, Sixteen Candles reference)... but he blows you off. Maybe he blew you off because it was expected of who the world perceived him to be, maybe you were right that there was something there, but instead you interpret it as him not wanting you. Maybe he didn't blow you off... he was just ambiguous because he was afraid you'd blow him off?
What if you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is mutual interest - that click... but for whatever reason allowing something to come of it is avoided. Is it okay? Did you just f w/ destiny? How long is it before you look back thinking "what if"? If you ignore things they may go away for a little while, but they'll eventually come back to bite you. If you chose to not entertain even a friendship - what did you doom yourself to? Can we be friends?
"Baby, now's your chance. It's like cyanide. I am so dumb. Just beat me up. I've had it all for ever, I've had enough. -Hole"
We would have had a special gift for you at the halloween party. I guess 27-heif will not get introduced. But maybe we'll post a picture so you know what you're missing out on.
Be well, let us know how you're doing... I know you're not allowed to use the phone, but maybe email won't trouble people as much.
"Hit so hard, that I saw stars. -Hole"
Sunday, October 17, 2004
C'mon now. Who is really reading? Don't be silly. What happened to "I've never been loyal". Tsk tsk. How quickly we change our tune. Like I said... when it's the right woman, you won't even be looking at other ones.
Why didn't I call you - don't be an ass. Why would you care who that was with me the other day? And what exactly did you say to whom? I'm sorry, but getting hit on by married guys who might be in your 'circle' doesn't turn me on. *go lastname go lastname go lastname*. Ew. Thanks for that. I'm picky. What can I say.
Mmmm, black russians - it's what inspires people like me to tell people like Tremblay to kick Reynold's ass, or to tell people like you what is really on my mind.
At least I got some work done on my paper before the rest of the world showed up.
"Reaching out... Touching me... Touching you... -Neil Diamond"
Friday, October 15, 2004
Tremblay and James both fought. Not impressed with Tremblay on that one... I'm sorry, but Reynolds kicked your butt. That's pathetic. As for James, I think we were all impressed (and shocked) with that one.
Paulie took a few penalties, mostly I think because he was too geared up to try too hard. Got in a slapshot from the blue line, and a nice shot right on goal... and one wild ass smack across all three lines and nearly over the glass on the other side. I don't know what that was all about. *shrug* My tip, from one Cancer to another - we think too much. Stop thinking about it and just play.
I wish I could hit the game on Saturday but, eh... I'll wait til next Saturday. Mom should be coming up today to help me get the bathroom and hallway dealt with. Too bad I didn't get all of the textured stuff washed down and removed on Wednesday. Only one more wall to go, then sand the spackling and paint.
"For you left me, with so few memories that I can close my eyes and cling to. -K.D. Lang"
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Looks like the AHL rosters are solidified. Can't get a straight answer on when they were due, but I think their season has started, and both Cleveland and Springfield have 25 guys on their newly listed rosters on their website. So, are we done? Is this all we're getting? If so, I guess we've got 24, if you count the guy who isn't signed but joined us at camp. If we axe a goalie and slice the non-signed fellow we're ready to roll.
This Tremblay guy was babbling in the paper. Poor Richard, you're not the lead goon anymore - you're going to have to get by on your good looks and smart-ass personality. That'll still work - just drop a few pucks in the net for me too, okay?
"Pieces of note fall down, but the letter read... -Better than Ezra"
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
"Makes me forget that I - still need her so. -UB40"
Monday, October 11, 2004
Some of my favorites right now:
- Poison
- Victoria Secret's Decadent Desire
- Realm
I think I'm going to ask for a bottle of Pure Poison for Christmas, it's an interesting new scent by Dior. I know I've smelled something similar in the past, but the exact origin elludes me.
Which turns me to a similar subject: what's up with guys that don't wear cologne. I appreciate the body spray commercials that are out now encouraging men to pick a scent as it does tie closely to memories. There is nothing more enticing than getting in close and smelling a cologne that works well with a guy's body chemistry. And if all else fails, a guy can get a gold star just by wearing Polo or Gravity.
"No you can't take me apart. -Fear Factory"
Sunday, October 10, 2004
My boyz are here :) That makes me happy.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
I remember knowing every detail (or at least thinking I did) and now... to not have a clue what he's doing or learning or experiencing, and it seems so strange. This needs shaken soon. Hell we've been apart longer than we were actually married. I can't even say I can 'count' the six and a half years together prior. At least I tamed myself down to simply sharing photos of the girls... I know he still cares about that.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Take the Laws, those two do everything - they've remodeled just about everything in their house, and it all looks stunning. They taught us how to brew wine, Brian deserves the title master craftsman for his woodworking and his websites, Angela is a gourmet chef. They're in a constant rotation of at least 3 bands (that number is low right now)... oh, and did I mention that Angela MADE her own bass? They both work 40 hour weeks and are raising a rugrat. Yes, they're amazing - and yeah, sometimes they make me ill :P
Then there is Christine. She's taken so many classes and lessons and is so dedicated to them. It doesn't matter if you're my age and you never learned how to do something - just go learn. She's also exceedingly dedicated to her workout routines (and now, going to the hockey games too - my fault). How someone so vibrant can keep her inner freak so contained kind of creeps me out at times. I'll get her into that vibrant red dress someday. She's so busy but yet she's able to be there for me whenever I need someone to talk to or hang out with. It's not easy to be a good friend 24-7.
Now, this realization hit me when I was checking out Joe's latest toon so I simply must include him in the three. This is another guy that amazes me. He's done development work on the side beyond his 40 hour plus job as well as all of the remodeling HE does which is also beyond words. He's an artsy guy, but he's also technical, you've got to respect that. He's been married, been divorced, and was a pillar of strength for me while I was still in NC unsure which way to turn. He's got the gothy dark side that I so enjoy being around, but he remains an upbeat and entertaining guy. He knows good wine, and has knows how to _love_ a good piece of chocolate.
That said, I started to think about myself and how boring I was when I realized that's not entirely the case. A couple years ago I was kind of boring, but I was too focused on that time on doing things 'together' which really limited the places I went, the things I did, the skills/talents/entertainment I explored. What do these three examples show me? Well, one is a couple another is a single female and another is a (semi)single male. I guess what it shows me is that my status with the opposite sex doesn't really matter, as long as your life is full... and by that I don't mean so busy that you can't think, but full in the sense of satisfaction and exploration of the things you want to do.
"But you know, I was looking around your apartment the other day. Know what I saw? I saw figure skates. -The Zambonis"
Thursday, October 07, 2004
On other fronts, the chimney is now cleaned, and I think the thermostat is working correctly again, at least it did the past two nights. I forgot to turn the heat off this morning so let's hope it works correctly all day or the dogs will probably be in an 80 degree house when I get home. Now I need to seal up the upstairs windows and get a cover on the apartment air conditioner and I should be ready for winter.
Hockey is surprisingly quiet despite all the things that will be ramping up. I'm hoping I'll get to post a camp roster sometime today *ahem* Last time I did that it worked, so let's see if I'm lucky again. I'm also surprised I haven't seen names of the people we're getting pressed upon us from Springfield or Cleveland. Maybe the numbers will be lower than expected (hopefully). I'd rather see us whoop on Reading and Wheeling without the help of AHLers, it would be so much more glorious of a victory.
"Remember, you promised me... I'm dying, I'm dying, please. -Hole"
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
I now also know what it's like to be on stage at Jerry Springer. Funny what you get when you mix an ex, a chemically imbalanced pathological liar/nutjob, an ice cream sundae, and my "fat, unfortunate-looking ass". I probably shouldn't entertain the cruel tendancies I have when dealing with an instable individual - but I just can't help it, it's too damn funny. As I've pointed out to other people in the past, if I'm so awful and ugly and fat and...whatever else you think I am, then why do you waste your time worrying about what I'm doing, what I'm wearing, who I'm with etc?
If I am chopped into bits and found in the trees by my house I'll be sure to remind a few close friends of the name of the probable suspect.
Monday, October 04, 2004
Just a few little tidbits and speculation from this evening's meeting to share. It's official, Growden opted to retire and Langager went back to school. We're looking at 4 to 8 being dropped ot us from the Falcons and only 2 or 3 from Cleveland.
As was noted on other sites earlier today PL was released from Hershey. Damn shame too, being that the word is he scored the first goal of the game right prior. *rolls eyes* I guess he was a bit upset... rightfully so. You, and several others deserve to be up there, you're all just victims of timing this season. Of course, there is likely to be other victims of this season... especially after all these ppl get pushed down and we're forced to make cuts. *fingers crossed* You can do it hottie.
"Well I guess it ain't easy doing nothing at all. But hey man free rides just don't come along every day! -Offspring"
2004 Johnstown Chiefs Training Camp Schedule
Sunday October 10 Players arrive in Johnstown; physicals
Monday October 11 On ice 1:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Tuesday October 12 On ice 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Wednesday October 13 On ice 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Thursday October 14 On ice 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.; Game vs. Wheeling @ Harmarville (7:00 p.m.)
Friday October 15 On ice 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Saturday October 16 On ice 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.; Game @ Wheeling (7:30 p.m.)
Sunday October 17 OFF
The Chiefs will begin their regular practice schedule on Monday, October 18th when they take the ice daily from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
I get to go to the dentist today before the fan club meeting. Hopefully we won't be finding any other fillings which need replaced. I loathe the dentist and the pain they represent. It's not that the fillings even hurt like I remember them to from childhood. Now, as an adult, the worst part is the smell of the burning tooth as it's being drilled. *shudder*
Made calls to find someone to clean the fireplace and for another to clean and inspect my furnaces. I wonder how costly this is going to be. Ever see the movie money pit? I haven't fallen through the floor... yet. This stuff just needs to wrap up soon, as I won't have quite the income I use to in a few months.
"Wish that I could find a place to hideaway. -Fuel"
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Johnstown is too lonely sometimes. I miss who I thought I was. I miss even more what I thought you were.
I did some reading on betta fish last night, so I feel a lot more knowledgable about them. When I first got Bates he would make all kinds of bubbles. Turns out that is his 'nest' which he makes to prepare for eggs should a lady happen by. Since he hasn't been nesting lately, that supported my theory that he was sad. Hopefully the larger container, cutsey leafy thing to 'lean' on (which I now know they like), and the company to 'flare up' at and strut his stuff will get him bubbling again.
Friday, October 01, 2004
One week til camp opens up - woohoo!
And.. AH - October at last. My favorite month, which I refuse to allow to be sullied by mistakes made in years past during this season. May you rot like the leaves as they fall to the ground. *smile* Have a nice day!
"And baby when you care, then I will be there, by your side. -Lasgo"
Thursday, September 30, 2004
I actually went out to drink last evening, that was nice - even if it did push me WAY over my allowed calories for the day. Oh delightful but devilish black russians, you must loosen the grip you have upon my soul.
"In the corner he pops it free, he passes to the referee. What's wrong - is he okay? What's wrong - it's not his day. -?"
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I tossed together quite the witchy outfit today too. I feel like my feet should be doing that little scoot thing that Fairuza Balk's character does in the Craft. I love this season.
"Shoot myself to love you. If I loved myself I would shoot you. -Marilyn Manson"
Sunday, September 26, 2004
We did get to see a ton of dresses - the hunt is on to find just the right gear for the work Christmas party. Nothing perfect yet, but I know it's out there. So does one find the dress, and then a date to match the dress or vice versa? With my propensity towards shiney things and bad eggs, maybe it's just a natural match.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
- Grooming habits will change, like new colognes and new styles of name brand shirts being purchased. Even the ones that take a half hour to get ready will take longer.
- The good old stand by - work hours will get longer. They'll come up with a reason to go in earlier, and to stay later, or even go in on the weekend. I assure you, they're not trying for employee of the month.
- They'll want to spend all hours of work nights out and about with their new group of friends, which include their new love, in bars and other places that you two haven't really been going to for years. Somehow they're young and spry again.
- Your other half will start making hurtful comments, for example - if you've recently lost weight and look good they'll tell you you have 'no ass' anymore, even if they're the one that wanted you to work out. Then again, maybe only the ones that like fat chics say that type of stuff.
- They'll start saying or IMing phrases that are cliche from the other person, or stereotypically not them.
- Your gut will tell you when someone is a threat - listen to it. If you don't like a female friend and think she's a skank - guess what, she probably is.
- And... if you miss all of this, just wait another couple of weeks and check out the overrun cell phone bill with calls back and forth to the replacement. Why? Because the person you love will be too stupid to even cover their own tracks.
Once a pig always a pig. And I hear it's inherited.
"When he lied it meant he loved me. And when he lied it meant he cared. Cause when he lied it meant... he was there. -Jack off Jill"
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
After all that, bowling time. I did pretty well the first two games, but the third kinda stunk... and I of course noted I'm next to last in 'high series' scores. Go me :)
That said, I think it's time for bed. I've been tired as can be around mid-day. And no, I don't think I caught your disease, illness boy, although, I am sure my allergies aren't helping as I've woken up both days this week with a sore throat from all that crap trying to drain. Human heads are of ill design.
"One sure shot way to get'm outta their pants, take note to the brand new dance. -Ludacris"
Monday, September 20, 2004
On another note, I was impressed with my stamina yesterday. I was out skating for over two hours without collapsing. Must have been all that extra energy I got from the donut, huh? Next time we go you better have improved... so you don't have a girl skating circles around your wanna-be hockey playing butt. :P
"All of the flowers I gave her. She burned them. -Type O Negative"
Saturday, September 18, 2004
TYPE O NEGATIVE's management has issued a statement regarding the postponement of the band's fall 2004 U.S. tour. It reads as follows:
"During a recent medical exam, undisclosed anomalies were discovered and it was suggested that Peter Steele, lead singer, bassist and songwriter, undergo further tests.
"As a firm timetable for the tests and the subsequent results is indeterminable, it has been decided to postpone the fall tour to a later date when there will be no foreseeable conflicts with scheduling.
"In the meantime, TYPE O NEGATIVE continues to work on the forthcoming release, the first for new label SPV, due in 2005."
Anyhow. I spent the morning cutting the branches off of the tree that has taken over most of my parking area. I can now see around it and easily walk out my sidewalk... but there is no way I can, with the tools I have, remove the main trunk of the tree and/or the stump. I called Richland and left a message to try and find the property owners who SHOULD tend to the tree, we'll see how long that effort takes.
It's still windy and cool here today, but the sun is shining brightly. It's a fairly nice autumny day. Of course this has inspired me to a second Saturday of cleaning. Enjoy the nice weather people - we don't have much of it left.
Friday, September 17, 2004
I don't know what it is with trees falling towards vehicles I (we at the time) own. Maybe when your car gets hit that just means he's trying to get your attention instead. It's funny what we chose to listen to and what we chose to ignore.
"I don't believe it. -Static-X"
Thursday, September 16, 2004
PL Courchesne and Richard Paul re-sign with the Chiefs!
But it also sounds like because of the lockout in the NHL (as expected) the rest of our would-be players are going to get the shaft... never mind the high likelihood of cuts but who knows how that will pan out.
Toss in the fact that the one pre-season game "here" is going to be towards the Burgh instead and poof, you see why I was a wee bit pissy (prior to getting the announcement on Paulie). That's a Thursday night, making it painful for people from here to get there, but that's okay - we want to make the people in the areas losing their NHL hockey happy. Yeah yeah, I know, it's a good chance to get some new fans on board and to get people realizing the Chiefs exist, it's just frustrating.
Also in recent announcements, I guess the rumors were true about Dumbassowitz not wanting to come here... or, other people deciding he wasn't to come back here. James hates us too, but he's signed. *shrug*
BTW... No, the dog mentioned here was not Satin or Vixen.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
"Pain. Heaven. Pain. Heaven. -Marillion"
Monday, September 13, 2004
On a side note: I want this. The house (kitchen) used for Good Eats. I'm sure that would be a reasonable monthly payment, don't you?
I can't help but keep my eye on the storms heading towards Florida. The poor Keys. :( Even if my partner in crime (at the time) hated the water and the beach was one of the lowest places on his list of places to go - we still had fun snorkeling, riding on sunset cruises, and enjoying the island in general. Anyone want to leave early some day (after Ivan passes) and catch a brew at Finnegan's Wake? *smile*
"There's nothing like your smile made of sun. -Shakira"
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Today I got to hang w/ a bud and watch the original version of Clerks. Also saw Malibu's Most Wanted. Granted, I don't see it winning any awards, but it provided some entertainment.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Ahh Friday. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't need to go to work in the morning, and what a wonderful feeling that is. I think I've finally reached the threshold for the amount of things I can pile upon myself for the upcoming winter. I might have time to sleep scheduled in there somewhere. I guess keeping busy will keep me young. Of course, with my luck, this is when I'll find a long-term worthy man... when I absolutely don't have time for him.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
If you take a step back and think about things, Johnstown gets a good bit of mention nationwide. Granted, the first thing to everyone's mind is the flood, but while living in NC, Johnstown was the town named for everything that happened near by. That includes the reports of Flight #93 coming down (reportedly "near Johnstown PA") and the Miners being trapped (reportedly "outside of Johnstown PA"). There are definitely worse ways to have your city publicized on the national news. I mean look at poor Florida as a whole, how are they publicized? With tragedies that involve mass destruction and death (hurricanes) or presented as a pile of idiots due to the whole "chad" and confusing ballot issues.
Do I miss living in the south? Absolutely. But I guess there are worse places than Johnstown. Ask me about that again in a few months when I'm diging out from the snow. Oh wait - maybe that won't be as much of an issue... did I mention I put a bad-ass snow blower on reserve? *grin*
Ok, it would be quite confusing for my regular readers should I talk politics (lightly) but not mention something related to hockey. So here goes. Fan club meeting last night, nothing too exciting but things are moving along for the start of the season. We have another raffle going on for cold hard cash friends oh mine! So contact me if you want some of these $1 tickets.
Bret Hull presented himself as an ass, reportedly saying:
"I couldn't care less. It's no fun playing." and "I don't give a ---- about the fans anymore."
This is exactly the type of attitude that I think is going to crush the NHL. Again, I step upon my soap box saying if you don't play because you love the sport - piss off, retire. There are players who love the sport that are younger, faster, and better than you waiting for your seat on that NHL bench. I'm sure your pleasant attitude will make the Coyotes proud.
Further, how about Tkachuk last night... who said to hell with a hat trick, I want four which bounded the US past Russia in the World Cup games. Beauty.
There seems to be a good number of ECHL signings in the past day and a half - but silence in our office. *grumble*
"Never gonna get what you want. -Vision of Disorder"
Monday, September 06, 2004
"Don't understand why joy must be feigned. -Type O Negative"
Saturday, September 04, 2004
The front lawn is mowed, the rose bush is planted, the laundry is done, the carpet is vaccuumed, and the dogs are happily gnawing on rawhide in the dining room. All this, and I even cooked today! Another 40 minutes and I'll be enjoying my delightful stuffed shells. It's been a while since I've made them. Quite strange to not have three faces hovering around the kitchen while I prepared them The gnashing teeth of those that wait searching each shell for a sign of 'weakness' which calls out for it's swift demise (the dogs were more interested in their rawhide).
No announcements today, which is contrary to the expectations given to us by the past two Saturdays. I guess we'll just have to wait out the long holiday weekend and see what comes out by Tuesday. Maybe I'll try and prototype our 'special gift' for the welcome party tonight. This is going be too funny.
Friday, September 03, 2004
"The lies of our exclusivity and tacit acceptance of other's lies reach back into our own personal histories. An unfaithful mother or father can be a powerful teacher - someone to emulate or to shun. An alcoholic, abusive, or emotionally distant parent can sow the seeds of our adult behavior, whether it's lying and denial or hyper-responsibility and acquiescence to the lie. Our lies and acquiescence to lies may reflect the shame and fear many of us learned long ago. Men and women alike talked to me about the legacy they still carried from their fathers' or mothers' adulterous affairs and accompanying lies. They brought up the complicity and shame they felt so many years ago, which had stayed with them. These men and women feared they were doomed to repeat their parents' mistakes."
Ah denial... I know a few women that cloak themselves with it to the point that they present themselves as being dillusional with their mindless chatter and idealic impression of their little world. I know I'm someone who doesn't take the lies and toss them off to the side, I instead confront them, as I've been forced to do repeatedly in recent years. Now, ask yourself... what about you?
"I'm not like you anymore. -Godsmack"