Friday, July 31, 2020

I just realized that my last several posts were all crammed into one paragraph when viewed, despite inserting line breaks.  Yay new blogger (dys)functionality.
I am posting to acknowledge the grace I have been receiving this summer, unbeknownst to me until today. Remember that I am the person that still thanks God for my usable garage when I am coming home in rain or snow. I am also grateful for AC, which I had in Jtown too, but still... to quote Dogma there is "no pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air."
Cut to the chase, right? Well the HVAC company that comes to service my system in the fall and spring is woefully behind due to COVID, hence they just came today for their 'spring' AC service. Turned out I needed a new capacitor, well, I would -- very -- very soon. He even said he was surprised with the readings that the fan is actually starting up. I think he was being sincere. I saw the readings when he connected the old and new capacitors up.
If that thing continuing to run with our crazy hot summer and not giving me even a glimmer of trouble isn't grace I don't know what is. I'm $120 poorer, but, very grateful that I won't have a service call, I was still covered by the service plan even though it was technically expired, and I have been spared from a couple of sweltering nights with a near 3-yr old in the hotest bedroom in the house.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I don't make lasagna very often, I find stuffed shells way more convenient and favorable. But, tonight I used up the two half boxes of lasagna noodles that were here -- along with a ton of fresh veggies (zucchini from my favorite egg's mom), all of the onions from our pot out back (which didn't grow very big and were starting to turn to mush), and wads of fresh swiss chard, parsley, basil, and chives. Avery helped me put it together - we're really enjoying having her toddler tower. It turned out ok. I never manage to avoid all of the excess moisture when trying to integrate veggies into something like this. I was hoping that would help the lower lasagna noodles (they were no boil) to soften and cook fully (not quite).

The strawberries are starting to get color as are many of the smaller tomatoes and one roma. We've had a handful of sweet 100s over the past week, usually one or two a day - that's one for Avery and maybe one for me.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I ate my first cherry tomato from the tomato plant last night. It was a little bit bitter, but I'm hoping they'll be sweeter as we go. They had better be - I have quite a few tomato plants and there's going to be a ton of tomatoes here soon.

The unfair thing is that my basil has been trying to flower for weeks now and I don't have the tomatoes to go with it. the moz is sitting patiently in the fridge waiting.

Strawberries and watermelons are starting to form. Some lettuce is up higher than others. The bugs have eaten most of the kale -- thank goodness.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

I am slowly getting some routine medical and personal care checked off while things are open. At last I got my mammo scheduled (why on earth they kept this closed as long as they did I will never understand). The only place left to schedule for me is the dermatologist for a routine skin check. Avery already has her dentist appointment rescheduled for August and I need to get her in for her 3 year visit, we'll see if things remain open for those.

Last week I got myself scheduled for a long overdue massage as my shoulder and right arm were starting to be a factor again. The one massage place I have used here just moved into the same building as my chiro! As such, I called and luckily got an appointment to get adjusted right before the massage time. The best part? I still had a gift certificate I purchased last year in a package for the massage and a "free adjustment" card for my birthday.

I also stopped to grab a few more paint cards. It is way too difficult to select the one to paint 90% of the interior. But I did email one of the local businesses that gave me an estimate to get on their schedule, so I guess I have a few weeks to make a final selection.