Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I don't make lasagna very often, I find stuffed shells way more convenient and favorable. But, tonight I used up the two half boxes of lasagna noodles that were here -- along with a ton of fresh veggies (zucchini from my favorite egg's mom), all of the onions from our pot out back (which didn't grow very big and were starting to turn to mush), and wads of fresh swiss chard, parsley, basil, and chives. Avery helped me put it together - we're really enjoying having her toddler tower. It turned out ok. I never manage to avoid all of the excess moisture when trying to integrate veggies into something like this. I was hoping that would help the lower lasagna noodles (they were no boil) to soften and cook fully (not quite).

The strawberries are starting to get color as are many of the smaller tomatoes and one roma. We've had a handful of sweet 100s over the past week, usually one or two a day - that's one for Avery and maybe one for me.

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