Saturday, December 18, 2004

You know you're at a party too late when... you're on your way home and you pass the hockey team's bus as it's heading down bedford towards belmont after leaving Dayton post game (10pmish). Doh. Anyhow... Thank you Scott for a bitchin party - same as always. I even won a door prize! Considering it was the 'politically incorrect christmas' celebration you can only imagine.

Related to events at the party... I think I've turned partially into a former relative-in-law. Maybe it is all about attitude, and that can draw people to you. Yes, I will ALWAYS find it strange when guys hit on me in any way, shape, or form. Further, I'm always shocked as hell when a guy that I think is pretty good looking even talks to me. When you evolve that into me being able to sit and talk back for an extended period of time without feeling like I said something incredibly stupid... go me!

To make me extra happy the Chiefs shut out Dayton 3-0. Since I was no longer listening midway through the second period I heard from another source that Desrochers had a pseudo scrap which gave him 5 in the box. *ha* Let me explain, you need not fight to impress me. *grin*

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