Friday, September 10, 2004

Ah, an evening at the Boulevard. I think I drank more beer this evening than I have in one sitting in quite some time - I've never been much of a beer person, but we did have some really tasty things to try this evening at the Boulevard Grill's beer tasting dinner. The food, as always was also wonderful. I'm glad I ate a lighter lunch today so I had room for the misc appetizer, lobster bisque, black angus salad in a balsamic vinaigrette, cracked pepper chicken schnitzel and lemon meringue. The featured beers were from Penn brewery... some were good scores with me while others I could pass on. But none of them had that heavy beer aftertaste.

Ahh Friday. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't need to go to work in the morning, and what a wonderful feeling that is. I think I've finally reached the threshold for the amount of things I can pile upon myself for the upcoming winter. I might have time to sleep scheduled in there somewhere. I guess keeping busy will keep me young. Of course, with my luck, this is when I'll find a long-term worthy man... when I absolutely don't have time for him.

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