Saturday, September 18, 2004

You've got to be kidding. Ok, now John Edwards is coming to Johnstown. Is Johnstown somehow THE town to win this election year? What gives? I bet Kerry was too busy going to some presentation in an even smaller sh*thole so he sent his second hand man here.

Anyhow. I spent the morning cutting the branches off of the tree that has taken over most of my parking area. I can now see around it and easily walk out my sidewalk... but there is no way I can, with the tools I have, remove the main trunk of the tree and/or the stump. I called Richland and left a message to try and find the property owners who SHOULD tend to the tree, we'll see how long that effort takes.

It's still windy and cool here today, but the sun is shining brightly. It's a fairly nice autumny day. Of course this has inspired me to a second Saturday of cleaning. Enjoy the nice weather people - we don't have much of it left.

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