Sunday, November 26, 2023

The signature drink for Thanksgiving went over well.  I did make a bit of a mod to it... partially because I didn't have enough heavy cream as required for the amount I was mixing and the mac and cheese I was making, but also to reduce the irish cream and up the vodka.  The mac and cheese recipe came from the Monin website - the place where I order my flavored syrups.  Color me surprised that they had so many non-alcoholic recipes.  It too was pretty darn good and I'm pleased to have leftovers.

I didn't get a ton done this weekend.  I was supposed to be off on Friday but I put in a solid 6.  Saturday we mixed up the dough for pizzelles, good thing too or I wouldn't have budged to make them today.  I spent more time on the couch today fighting with sinusy issues than I'd like to admit.  I did do an emergenc this morning because I was feeling a bit off yesterday and more so today.  At this point I have chills, but no fever.  Let me repeat - I am cold.  I haven't been cold but a handful of times in the past few years (yay menopause).

Regardless, I did get the pizzelles made -- with extra hand washing and mitigation activities to ensure they aren't typhoid mary signature cookies.  If I had gotten started earlier I would have made choco chip too, but that didn't happen.  I cooked chicken and put it to marinade for honey lime enchiladas yesterday, but they too did not get made today.

I gathered the fall decorations, but didn't put them away.  Not a single box of indoor Christmas decor has come up the stairs, but I did get 95% of the outdoor stuff out/up including the wreaths on the windows.  I had big hopes to start wrapping gifts or to start Christmas cards.  Those are both big no-gos.  I am really hoping a good night's sleep sets me right and maybe I will embrace the day off I scheduled for tomorrow a little more fully - be it to get things done or to sleep.

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