Tuesday, October 10, 2023

They say you don't smell things when you're asleep.  I have to disagree (light up the internet calling me a science denier).  Saffy had a banner day yesterday - she was hungry.  Saffy ate 4 times, which is insane for her.  Probably about 2x as much food total than she would normally eat on a good day months back.  What goes in must come out, and if you have a dog that isn't 100% in control of her pooper it isn't a surprise when it happens overnight.  My point, yes, at 12:30 I smelled it and got up to clean it up.

I would consider one ding in my sleep to be a good night because I've had a few in the past couple of years where I was awakened after an hour of sleep every time I went out and the going out was hard taking an hour or two itself.

Nope, that wasn't the last waking, but not Saffy, instead the exorbitant amount of water the kiddo drank did exactly what I warned her it would do, she peed a little.  At 4:30 I hear "moommy."  So now I'm up striping  a bed and starting a load of laundry.  She's cleaned up and back into a fresh set of warm pjs and into my bed because I am not making a bed at 4:45 in the morning.

Thank God for that one more hour.  I still curse you alarm.  Getting up earlier since school started (another 35 minutes) has been draining me.  Can I schedule a nap on my calendar?

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