Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Saffy seems to be doing pretty well given her age and overall condition.  She was eating like a champ there for a few days.  I am out of the one medication, but continuing to give her the other as they remain.  Today I spotted her being chipper outside and she was coming up the stairs pretty darn spry for her age.  It's going to ebb and flow, but I am so happy to see her looking and feeling a better than she was.

The kiddo is doing well with school.  She remains enthusiastic (save tonight's tears over not having someone to sit with on the bus) and is getting positive feedback each day.  She also hasn't been arguing much over doing a bit of homework each night, so that's a win.

Our foster Cupcake has an applicant, but it is incomplete.  In the meantime, the rescue trapped roughly 60 cats last week. I gave of some time on Saturday to transport a few to other rescuers north of the burgh that were willing to take a few in.  While there at the garage where they were managing the masses one little black kitten (abt 4 months old) started meewing at me - which is odd for cats that were outside.  Long story short, he came home with us.  While he cannot go in with Cupcake due to quarantine he is in a crate inside Avery's bathroom (so she's using mine).  The new guy is doing well - eating like a champ, cuddly as can be.  I got him to play a bit today - he seems to be getting rested up post his vetting and need to decompress.

I had a nice long weekend.  I didn't get the things done that I should have, but relaxing is good too.  I did do a bit of organizing in the basement (rotating dog food bags, breaking down some boxes and combining things/putting things away).  I did not get my Halloween goodies out yet - much to Avery's displeasure.

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