Monday, September 25, 2023

Another weekend sped by.  We did our grocery shopping Saturday morning and then headed out to see Avery's Nonni.  Fortunately we didn't have CCD on Sunday, allowing us to go to the 9am service we prefer.  After we went to Triple B Farms even though rains had rolled in during the prior 24 hours.  It was a bit muddy, but it could have been a lot worse.  Avery had a blast with her bestie and the temps were perfect.

I did take a few minutes of my lunch break to decorate the dining room side table for Halloween.  I'm getting close to done decorating for Halloween.  I cannot find the projector light that typically goes out front.  I am sure I hid it from myself when I was tidying and reorganizing in the garage - go figure.

With the cooler temps I am wanting the soupy and warmer meals.  Tonight we had an amazing roast with carrots and potatoes from the slow cooker.  I love that I don't need to run out to pick up Avery at the end of the day - it allows me to get meals a bit earlier.  Tonight we ate and had a few minutes outside, did some homework, and still had time to play a game.  I need my evenings to feel a bit longer to mitigate how fast each week seems to be going.

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