Sunday, March 19, 2023

I wanted to report that I opened my very first self-canned jar of pasta sauce for a meal last week, and it was delish.  I am so proud that I not just made that sauce (which I've done for years) but that I (properly) canned it.  I need to make and can another batch when I spot a good price on tomatoes.

I wanted to get some seeds in dirt today, but dang it's cold -- too cold to want to stand in the basement and get this task done.  I did find a good deal on 5 gallon "grow bags" on Amazon, so I'll have more space in which to plant things this year.  I do need to get more soil appropriate for the planting task.  I also need to order another batch of canned meat from Keystone Meats.  I don't think I reported it here, but I bought the ground beef, beef, chicken, and pork in the past - I have tried 3 of the 4 thus far and they're delightful (and I am crazy picky about meat).  I may also snag some turkey.

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