Monday, December 19, 2022

It's cold, it tried to snow, I'm gonna start my yearly complaining now.  It sounds like my old hood got a legit snow whereas we barely had a dusting, so... I'll stick w/ complaining about how the cold burrows into my bones.  Let's be honest, I've put on enough weight in the past two years that if it's getting to my bones it is really friggin cold.

I haven't allowed this to stop us though.  We still headed out on Saturday night to the Laser show at the UP church and to the outdoor live nativity event at Iddy Biddy this evening.  We made it about 45 minutes petting and feeding llamas, goats, and a camel before we snagged a hot cocoa and packed up.  --and I had leg warmers on!

I think this is going to be a rough winter.  The way the world is going I don't think the tin foil on my hat has to be thick to believe that we could have power outages.  Good thing I have more blankets than a human being should own.

Watching the brewing storm and hoping I don't have cause to argue against our Christmas-proper activities.

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