Thursday, November 03, 2022

Ah, anxiety.  There isn't one thing I can put my finger on that is triggering it, but perhaps it is death by 1000 cuts.

I woke up just after falling asleep the other night not quite in a panic attack, but with my brain very focused on an awful event that happened back in the mid-90s.  Yep, it sucked, but I had also not thought of this in years... and the individual involved put me through way more painful stuff a few years later, so what the hell brain?

I tortured myself a bit last night by watching a video an old friend posted.  Sadly, I am no longer part of that person's life and (even more sadly) I know they hurt another friend very much.  Seeing how their life moved on just hit too close to home, likely exaggerating the feelings all around.

There is of course the insanity of our world today.  Prices in general, looming shortages/outages, the forthcoming election... all of it.

I had a day trip for work earlier this week.  Fortunately the weather was good.  It was good to see familiar faces and to have a brief change of pace.  But even this leaves me with unease that feeds the anxiety monster.

Good news that may also add to the pile (simply because I am terrible with change) is that 2 of the kittens are slated to leave for their forever homes in the next week and the third may also have an approved adopter in the next day or two.  That would give me at least an hour of each day back.

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