Sunday, July 10, 2022

I am filtering my limoncello that steeped with strawberries and adding simple syrup today.  It smells pretty darn good and the color is mild but very pleasant.  Back into the container for another couple of months.

I should be upstairs -- I'll explain why in a second -- but instead I am trying to stay busy downstairs whilst Avery is off w/ our favorite egg at the trampoline park.  They don't go do a lot just the two of them, so I am glad we convinced him.  Normally I would have also gone, but again, I need to be downstairs.

Saffy has had a few days of loose bowels.  It was once a day at an odd time during the work week so I had a few messes to clean up - fortunately in the hall and not on the carpet.  Yesterday while we were gone earlier in the day she didn't have a problem but on our later venture out for a wedding she had a few blow outs.  The increased amount/frequency is troubling.  I had her out in the middle of the night and first thing.  She still didn't get through while we were at church w/o another accident.  I made her some rice and she seems a little bit happier at the moment. I realized quickly that I don't have any minute rice here, so I'll be picking some up ASAP.

Now, why should I be upstairs?  Well, I'm crazy you see.  We officially have our first cat fosters here - a Mama and 4 of her 8 week old babies (a 5th was given away before they came to rescue).  Everyone is set up in the spare bedroom.  Gosh they're cute.  Fortunately everyone seems to be eating, drinking, and using the litter, so that's a good start.  Mama is a bit apprehensive, but you can tell she's a nice girl.

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