Friday, June 17, 2022

Once again, I am cancelling a cruise (rather than making final payment).  It breaks my heart -- truly, the situation as a whole brings me down pretty hard.  The timing of the neighbors just returning from their cruise probably doesn't help my sadness on the whole thing.

Avery had her first dance recital last weekend.  She danced!  She wasn't over the top (we've all seen the viral videos of kids that get way into it), but she did her thing.  Speaking of which, wanna hear more about how poorly I juggle life lately?  I had it in my head that it was at a different high school auditorium.  We went to the wrong one -- which was also having a dance recital.  After a short period thinking "gosh, I don't recognize any of these people or costumes" we were enlightened and dashed out the door and 6 miles down the road with about 10 minutes to spare.  *smacks self*

The garden, which continues to be in individual containers, seems to be going well enough.  Even the tomato plant that fought it's way back from the brink of death a few times seems to be growing nicely.  The sweet 100s and the roma have started to develop fruit, but nothing turning just yet.  The carrots and turnips (both from seed) have gotten large enough that the second type/shape of leaf has started to form on each.  The potatoes look like they'll offer us a couple of meals.  There was a small pepper started but it has disappeared (glares around at the rabbits).  Basil (the third) and the mint are booming - so much so that I pulled and dried a small harvest of basil last night when I pulled some for an eggplant dish I was making.

Nothing else really to speak of other than work, which has me feeling exasperated all too often as of late.

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