Sunday, June 05, 2022

Another sad example of how far I have devolved from being on top of things:  At 11am this morning my reminder went off on my phone that I was to be at a bridal shower at noon.  Oh crap.  Why didn't past me help future me out by setting a reminder the day before and for something earlier than an hour out?  Mind you, the event was nearly an hour away.  I dashed around getting myself and Avery dressed, slapped paper on the present (thank goodness I bought that a while ago) and we hit the road.  We managed to arrive a mere 10 minutes late, but dang.

This meant I didn't get the things done I wanted to today.  Not all of them anyhow.  I did get some done, which is why I am now completely exhausted.  There is some limoncello started and an ice batch of strawberry lemonade cooling in the fridge.  I also have some strawberry applesauce cooling on the counter at the moment.  To make myself feel a bit better I also got the vacuum out upstairs and down.  Here I sit for a minute with the massager on my lower back lamenting the end of my weekend and trying to get a bit of reading done for work.

Tomorrow is Avery's dress rehearsal for her first (and perhaps last) dance recital.  We haven't practiced.  It's my fault.  Fingers crossed for the event.

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