Saturday, June 04, 2022

Somehow I have already been back to work for two weeks.  I have not, in that time, gotten basics achieved like I should - like cleaning and organizing.  I have had a few minor wins though.

I finally got a few more pictures up on the dining room wall - I mean, it's only been a year since everything was painted, what do you want from me?  I snagged a few sturdy shelves to help facilitate some organizing in the basement and put them together.  I also got prints of Avery's school photos and slid them into cards which got mailed out to my aunts and uncles.

I also got some gardening related things achieved, including getting some quick to grow seeds planted.  I already see sprouts from the lettuce and radishes starting.  Still waiting to see the carrots, which would be super fun if we got those to grow.  Today we snagged some pepper plants and yet another basil plant.  I say yet another because... I had two basil plants started from clippings that were doing well that both suddenly died off at the same time.  I assumed the cat was messing with it.  I bought another plant and hid it away in my bathroom while I was on vacation to avoid the cat issue.  It didn't come back out of the bathroom but it too has decided to die.  It never did start getting any bigger.  This time -- new soil for sure and in a pot outside instead.  The tomato plant that Zero tried to destroy early on was growing nicely but then something dug in the soil breaking off some roots and it looks like it is on life support right now.  If it continues to grow this plant is a miracle.

Today we also went and picked strawberries at a local farm and hit the local pool for the first time this season.  Yeah, I should be cleaning etc, but I sure prefer doing the fun stuff with the kid.  May as well while we still can right?

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