Wednesday, April 13, 2022

We did have another visit with the Easter Bunny at our favorite consignment shop.  This photo is epic, one we will -- for sure -- share with her boyfriend someday.  She didn't cry, but sitting on his lap was definitely displeasing.

Our weather finally warmed up this week.  I still have nothing growing.  I did plant some onions and chives, but what came up died off -- I am blaming the cat.  I will be snagging plants from the hardware shop as soon as I spot them there.  I'm wondering if I need to get more buckets and grow a little more this year.  Ya know, when they toss about the word famine it seems appropriate.

Work hours remain long.  I do have a couple of days off in the next week, which is coming at a decent time in the grand scheme of the mayhem, but I doubt I'll be charging much to my vacation number as I am getting extra time in in advance.

Of course on the one weekday I was forced to waste some of that day off with a car dealership appointment.  My washer fluid was reading near empty a few weeks back, so I stopped and added a gallon.  I saw some of it on the garage floor and I just knew.  Needless to say the friggin light is back on.  I'm due for inspection too, so at least I can deal with both at the same time, but daggum that's annoying.

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