Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The anticipation is making me anxious.  Tomorrow is clear liquids only... getting ready for my first colonoscopy on Thursday.  Sounds fun, huh?  Two trips under anesthesia in one year.  That alone makes me anxious.  I'm not too concerned about the procedure itself since I'll be out and, presuming all goes well, I shouldn't have any issues from the procedure -- just the complications of the prep.

I guess I should make myself a batch of jello tonight, so I will have something to "chew".  What is truly remarkable is how good my diet normally is.  Yes, I like junk food, but I eat a rather high fiber diet, which is abundantly clear from the few things left on the 'allowed to eat' list for the past week.  Basically I could have meat and junk food, sounds like a dream, right?  Not so easy when you're trying to limit your calorie intake and you're in the part of of summer with all of the goodies like fresh corn, peppers, eggplant, cabbage, and the like.

I opened the box of prep to look at things today.  They advise mixing it and refrigerating it -- great advice for someone like me who doesn't like warm water.  At least the stuff you mix with water isn't thick.  But even looking had my mouth watering, and I don't mean in that salivating because something looks or smells so good, I mean in that gosh, am I going to up-chuck way.

I'm also wondering how I am going to pull off the prep on time and still meet my other obligations.  I was warned, so I was smart enough to decline their offer for a 9am appointment.  I'm scheduled for 12:30pm.  Why is that?  Because you start the second dose of prep 7 hours before the appointment.  Sorry, but starting bowel spasms to sh*t out a lung at 2am doesn't sound fun.  I'd rather try to sleep the night before.  Of course, 7 hours before 12:30pm is 5:30am.  Not crazy early, but I have to get the kiddo to daycare by 7:30ish.  It isn't a long drive, but... you can see where I am going with this, right?

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