Thursday, August 12, 2021

What am I going to tell you that others haven't already said about colonoscopy prep?  Probably nothing.  Admittedly, the liquid wasn't as gross as I had psyched myself up to expecting, but it was pretty frigging nasty.  I found their advice to mix and refrigerate ahead of time helpful, same with drinking through a straw -- it helped me chug and get it down in around 5 minutes.

I'm not a big water drinker.  I need to get better about it, but it is what it is.  The prep I went with required less fluids than some of the others, but I still pushed up against the deadline to finish this morning.  The good news is all of this water had me not feeling hungry last night or this morning.

My experience last night had me ask my Favorite Egg to stay and tend to Avery's school drop off this morning.  What follows is TMI for many, but I post it because I was searching for this information and couldn't find it.  I get that it is likely different for everyone, but...

Guzzled my gross fluid in 5 min a few minutes before 6pm last night.  Immediately started into the first 16 oz of water chaser.  I was in the bathroom by 6:20pm.  Those that remark "stay close to the bathroom" are liars.  Nope. Just set up shop.  Bring your readers, a good book, a phone, maybe a charger... I also pulled out the toiletries I had post-partem (moist wipes, spray bottle, and witch hazel with cotton balls).  After an hour I started venturing out to lay down in the bed and cover up.  I was FREEZING!  I haven't said that in a long time with all of the hot flashes I have.  I even put on a sweatshirt in between future visits to the facility.  Things slowed down by 8pm, so I helped give Avery her bath and got to read and cuddle with her.  Just a few more quick trips after that.  Fortunately, nothing overnight, so I had a pleasant night's sleep.

This morning I did another 5 minute gulp of prep around 6:40am.  It was consistent - about 25 minutes later things started to happen.  Now I just let things settle down as I try to work this morning.

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