Saturday, July 17, 2021

After much frustration and as insane as it is... we have a cat at our house today!  After our last swimming lesson for this session we headed north to pick him up.  Aside:  We do have 5 private swim lessons scheduled at this point.

His name from foster is Carter.  He is black, but you can see dark brown-red banding in sunlight.  He has a few white hairs on his chest and one white whisker.  He talked to us the whole way home and came right out of his carrier when we opened it up.  He will spend a couple of days in the workout room, which Avery and I prepared yesterday.  After he and Saffy have absorbed each other's scent a bit we'll take a step towards introducing them.

While we were upstairs with him "C" explored the covered bed, litter box, toys, and cat tower.  He found a cozy spot in the hidey house on the tower and got comfy.  He was playing with me and leaning in for head scratches and butt scratches.  I think the humans and "C" will get along well.  I am looking forward to him being ready to snuggle with me as he did with his foster Mom.

I am leaning towards the name Church in honor of Pet Sematary.  It has always been my 'vision' for a black cat name, but we'll see how things proceed.

I did take a kids claritin this morning as I was already stuffy from vacuuming and kicking up dust last night.  I figure it didn't hurt to be preventative so I could focus on giving attention and not worrying if I would have any issue resulting from the extra petting.

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