Monday, April 12, 2021

Over the weekend I went to Xfinity, with whom I already have home internet service, and I ordered a new cell phone.  It's official - I am kicking AT&T to the curb.  I've been with AT&T since the 90's.  I saw the shift to Cingular, the shift back to AT&T, the merger with DirecTV... and right there - the merger w/ DirecTV is where they became a real pain in the rear (at least 6 years ago).  The latest with my voicemail disappearing and a reminder of how often my password (and now passcode) just suddenly don't work was the final straw.  Fortunately, I was due for a new phone.

I looked back.  I got this phone 3 years and a month ago.  The one prior lasted 3 1/2 years, so I am reasonably on pace.  I am a Samsung girl, but I am not spending $1100 on a new phone.  So I am rolling with the Samsung Galaxy A71 5G.  Admittedly it was kind of annoying that with their antitheft devices in store I couldn't even pick the thing up to hold it in my hand or look at the back of it.

Long story short I was paying $65 a month (after repeatedly working with AT&T to get that bill down as far as I could) for a couple of GB of data a month, I will now be paying $68 a month for unlimited data and a new phone (for 2 years).

But that's not all.  Ya'll know I was itching for a hot tub out back.  Well that's happening too!  Is it wrong that it's less expensive than the kid's swingset that was ordered?  I went with the Marquise Rendezvous Discovery.  It's triangular (smaller) so it won't take up as much space and should be a little less costly overall.  I now have to get an electrician in and get the line ran.

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