Thursday, November 26, 2020

It's been 18 years since I did a full, gung-ho, Thanksgiving at my house.  It's crazy that it has been that long, but I just realized it as I pulled things together today.  I got it all done.  It wasn't phenomenal, but it was pretty tasty.  I am pretty pleased with myself.  Since I had to also entertain a kid and ensure she didn't pull out every toy while I cooked this was no small feat.

There was turkey breast and ham, mashed and sweet potatoes, cooked carrots, a broccoli casserole, salad, stuffing, rolls, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, gravy, and desserts (our guest brought apple pie to go along w/ the no bakes).

It is a bit dreary out today, but the temps are nice -- so, at Avery's prompting, we took a walk after dinner, which made us feel less guilty about the subsequent pie.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

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