Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I am sure you are back wondering if I was successful with my plan for today.  I was able to make the run to the grocery store immediately after dropping Avery off at school.  Getting that done at 8am set the pace for me.  I came home and started messing with Christmas decorations -- so I got the wreaths up on the exterior of the windows!

I had a 10am chiro appointment, turns out that was my only self care for the day since I could get in during my window for a pedi.  After the chiro appointment I spoke with a recruiter. I periodically get emails and usually there is too much anxiety over a change to consider it.  Right now I'm so exhausted that I decided it wouldn't hurt to give her a few minutes of my day to see what she had to discuss.  It's a position in Pittsburgh, which is of very little interest to me.  Let's be honest -- any type of commute is going to make me frown after been able to work remotely for the past nearly 4 years.

After all of that I got the cranberry sauce and no bakes checked off too.  I then made a run to Aldi, because they had an item that I wanted to snag for a Christmas gift.

I picked Avery up and headed to the mall because Santa was supposed to be there.  I got her all dressed up in the back of the car and re-did her ponytails only to walk in and not find Santa there.  I am not too happy about having driven 25 minutes in one direction for that specific purpose to not find him.  They've advertised that he's there.  When I looked earlier in the week on the website there were openings -- although this year I was just going to walk up instead of scheduling because there was rarely much of a line in years past.  I even called the mall today and their office phone line indicated he would be there.

Of course, this is the same office that was supposed to be open until 5 today but was black when I went up to ask them for the actual schedule.  Their facebook page indicates he is there too, the latest post says they encourage reservations whereas an older one said they were required.  *sigh*  I just want to make sure we don't miss out on this little bit of normalcy.  This year has stunk.  My kid is at the perfect age to really enjoy this.  Please don't ruin it for us all.

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