Sunday, March 08, 2020

Still hacking and coughing.  It's dry, it's persistent, and it comes on in fits.  I've tugged a muscle up under my arm pit as a result even.  Last week I did call my primary care physician.  After all, MedExpress told me to follow up with them and since I had only had 2 days without coughing after finishing the medications I was prescribed there before it kicked back up... it felt like the right thing to do.

They pressed me to use the flonase (as most every office seems to do).  I swear to you, that stuff, even when not taken at night gives me a sore/burning throat.  Telling me to take it to combat post nasal drip (which is what they want to blame this winter's sore throats and now this cough on) is a bit crazy to me.  They also gave me prednisone after noting that the steroid pack I was given at MedExpress was "crap".  I have one pill left and nothing has changed.

I'll tell you this, being out in public people do look at you a bit cross eyed with this whole COVID19 thing going on when you start coughing violently.  It comes on most often after I come up a flight of stairs or after heading through a parking lot in the cold air... but it also comes on when I'm just sitting here or periodically throughout the night.

I'm not the type to be crazy paranoid, but I have to admit that knowing my first symptoms were a sudden fever and cough (while we were away on vacation) followed by this persistent cough has me very curious.  Avery still has a bit of a lingering cough too.  I'm almost starting to wonder if I should take her to the pediatrician to see if we can work on my diagnosis through her.

FYI in 2 days this will be a month of this crud.

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