Saturday, February 29, 2020

I am finally doing some cleaning.  I am finally feeling like I have enough energy to care to clean.  So much more should be done right now, but at least I can say everything is vacuumed (have I mentioned lately that I'm disappointed with the Miele's ability to pick up dog fur?) upstairs and down, the other flooring is hand scrubbed, the toilet bowls are all tended to, laundry is caught up (and away).  Even the glass on the french doors got cleaned today and some of the grime that I've been noticing on the basement side of the door to the basement stairs has been scrubbed.


Cleaning also should take care of some germs, which is, of course, on the forefront of minds as of late.  I've heightened my caution a bit.  I know we should do this regardless of the state of illnesses going around so maybe it will become a more stringent habit, but as of last night if you walk in my house the first thing you need to do is wash your hands.  It's a good strategy for Avery coming home from school, returning from the grocery store, and even when my Favorite Egg arrives from his workplace.

I think I also need to ask about the practices at school with regard to disinfecting toys and hand washing as they change diapers etc.  It seems like a good time to ask what the practices are and perhaps nudge them to take a look at said practices to improve them.

Last night after Avery came home I stripped her down and did her load of laundry (including school blankets, coat, and hat).  Part of that was inspired by hearing that two classmates went home early with a fever.

Too bad now that I get to sit down for a minute it is likely that Avery will be up from her nap soon - because I sure wish I could close my eyes for a minute.

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