Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sinuses and ears feel better, that is probably a result of the antibiotics.  Still coughing.  My chest hurts.  I'm wondering when the steroids will do their thing.

I've been trying to go to bed shortly after Avery does to help fight this off.  I'm still waking up with a desire to roll over.  It's been a week and 2 days now, surely it has to be coming to an end soon, right?  I've not been doing much around the house as a result, I haven't even put everything away from the trip.

In other news I finally bit the bullet and ordered a new upright freezer (to replace the 23 year old one).  I also went ahead and had them order me a new dishwasher.  The one that is here works, but not great.  I wanted the silverware back on the door, but he swayed me into getting one that has a third tray on top for the silverware instead.  Fingers crossed that I like it.  It is an LG, which matches the other kitchen appliances, if nothing else.

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