Monday, March 16, 2020

Stiiiiiill coughing.  I feel like it's not as bad, but the moment I think that I end up in a major fit.  My second use of the netipot didn't produce as much, so I thought I was clearing up, but still I'm coughing, so...

I do have an ENT appointment on Wednesday, providing it doesn't get cancelled.  Of course, I'll have Avery with me at that point because her daycare is closing starting on Wednesday.

Let's focus on what has changed since my last post.  I had to travel to Maryland for work last week, yeah, that's just what I wanted to do in the midst of the apocalypse.  Fortunately, I was able to back it off to a single day from the original three days.  It did however mean that I left shortly after 3am and got back at 10pm.  It was a long ass day, but it did buy me most of Friday off while Avery was at school.  That allowed me to do a little bit of time to hunt and gather.

I feel like I have enough to be okay.  Granted, if for some reason I couldn't replenish I won't be eating meals that I'd fully embrace on a normal day, but I have food.  My bigger concern is having fresh fruit and milk for Avery.  I did order another bag of dog food from Amazon that already arrived, so I have enough to cover them for a while longer.

All of this hinges on our supply chain keeps on truckin.  Is anyone else waffling between a sense of calm/rational thoughts and a burning desire to overbuy?

I admit, I've also been taking other steps, like locking down the house tighter and making sure other things are in order and ready to protect us. I can't help but think we're just one long power outage away from someone losing their mind.

On a lighter note, I can't help but think though the lessons learned from my faithful watching of The Walking Dead.  I wonder if I'll end up with a Governor or Rick.

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