Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The dogs had their yearly trip to the vet yesterday for shots.  While we were there we did a little blood work and picked up some heartworm preventative (can you hear the price tag climbing).

Saffy's bloodwork was due to the ticks that came back anaplasmosis positive.  She looked well, so no worries there.

Dani's bloodwork was to look at overall health since she's definitely starting to have some issues.  There was some signs of changes in her liver, but her kidneys are doing well. We left with some light medication to try and help her with pain/arthritis type issues - but I haven't gotten to start giving them to her yet. These pills are tiny... and I'm supposed to give her a 1/4 of one each day.  I guess I need to find a pill cutter that will work for these to give it a go.

I tried to get them both to potty before we went in.  No success for Dani.  But while we were sitting in the waiting area (she was lying on the floor) she pooped.  *sigh*  I think she didn't want to go there in their yard and then just couldn't hold it.  It really demonstrates her issues lately.

On a completely different note I've downloaded the Zero app.  It is for fasting.  I'm going to try and be more mindful of how large of a window in which I eat each day.  The 13 hour fast is pretty easy to achieve although I had to wait another 15 minutes before I made my coffee (yes, coffee even breaks a fast).

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