Saturday, January 25, 2020

It seems to be hard to post on this blog as much.  Many of my posts get routed to the other blog because, well, Avery is the center of most everything right now.  This post is hitting both.  Late Wednesday Avery's daycare texted indicating a need to get the kids ASAP - they had a sewage/plumbing issue.  It also kept them closed on Thursday and Friday as they made repairs and cleaned up.

I'm grateful that work is pretty darn flexible.  I'm also super grateful that our release was into smoke testing on Tuesday and I was just wrapping up the details of the release to test on Wednesday when that text came in.  *whew*

I hate to "waste" vacation time, so I tried to work a little before Avery got up each day and when she napped.  I also worked through today's nap. My days typically start at 6:30pm and finish at 8:30pm and admittedly I've allowed her to stay up a little later since they weren't 'school nights', but man those two days really have me tired.  I could have truly used her nap time to get one myself, but it wasn't in the cards.

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