Tuesday, June 04, 2019

The latest health challenge at work started off by encouraging us to get more sleep. I couldn't agree more. I'm always desperately tired. I don't know why it takes them telling me I need sleep to feel like I'm in a competition where I want to get to bed early so I can track reasonable hours of sleep. Of course none of this matters if I simply can't fall asleep or awake in the middle of the night all of my "effort" will be lost.

I'm feeling very overwhelmed again. I guess that's what happens whenever you are understaffed - and nowhere near short of tasks. It's depressing to see one of my co-workers that I was working closely with leave the company. It is also a little disheartening to hear that somebody that's critical to establishing systems in a manner that would keep me employed is also preparing to leave.

It's been a long time, but I'm finally updating my resume. Even if I have no intention of sending it anywhere at this point in time it's therapeutic updated and reassess my current situation.

This past weekend I also prepared the fourth bedroom, clearing the collection of junk away.  I can once again get to the treadmill and elliptical trainer. Now what are my excuses?  For now I see this is progress forward. I'm hoping that this means that my mind is starting to get ready to make a substantial change as well. I really need to get weight off again.  And I know working out will make me feel better and give you more energy while making me rest better too.

Update on the neighbor from my previous post:  I did my best to take the higher road and to reply kindly. However it's clear from this person's subsequent post that they are eager and looking for an argument. I did my best - I kept my mouth shut and I blocked them. It isn't as therapeutic as other options would have been but I know it was the best route.

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