Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I am as peeved by another person as I was pleased in my last post.  Seriously.  I have repeatedly had kids running across the street way too close to my vehicle for comfort through the summers here.  Today I again posted to the facebook group for our community highlighting a little girl in a black outfit running across from one house to another without looking and cited "near" a certain address.  Well be damned if the person at that address didn't flip out because I used their house number.

If you buy at house with a nice rounded off number, expect it to be more likely to get selected for a round-about reference.  Also, maybe work to understand the difference between "at" and "near".  Finally, if you lose your crap at someone who is trying to make sure you're keeping your kid safe you're a moron.

In the course of the replies not only did I have this person lose their crap at me while telling me I should have knocked on the person's door I had another person reply "if you don't like kids, move".  I can only imagine the "welcoming response" I would have gotten knocking on a strangers door given the warm replies.  Sheesh.  I truly loathe people.  I pray for your children that they stay safe and alive long enough to learn to do better, despite your lack of parenting.

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