Thursday, May 02, 2019

I rarely have crazy dreams that I ponder throughout the day, but here's one for you - right before I woke this morning...

I was holding Avery, I know there was other family members in front of where I was standing, as I looked towards the horizon, but I cannot say with certainty who.  I don't know if it was sunrise or sunset but the sun was low.

When the color of the sun began to change my first thought was it was part of that sunrise/sunset.  Then, the sun began to shift away and move closer, undulating in size, and even becoming egg-shaped.  Somehow, I saw and knew it to be a sign of the end times.  My brain processed this all very quickly in the dream and I wasn't freaking out.  But I did hit my knees, clutching Avery close in an embrace, and I was praising God.

At that point I saw large robot-like things coming forward towards me, they looked a bit like mechs with crosses on the breast plate.  The one moved its arm in a motion telling me to move off to the side and it was clear they were moving on past/beyond me.

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