Monday, January 02, 2017

I was up and working on my first cup of coffee today when my agent called asking to show the house this afternoon.  Since I've been packing, and previously in the "I don't need to show the house anymore" state there was a lot to be done, so guess how I spent about 4 hours today?  The "show" towels, bedding, and all is back out again, I did the best I could to minimize the footprint of the empty boxes awaiting packing, and everything is clean again for the time being.  I guess we're back into the endless above and beyond cleaning cycle again.  Meh.

Lord, my home is in your hands.  I pray for the guy who had to pass it up, help him get through the time that caused his change of heart.  I pray for the folks preparing to come and buy my home - heaven knows I'd much prefer this to not be an investor, but people who want to call it home.  I pray your protection over it in the mean time.  Help me see clearly.  I know all will be okay if I just allow your plan to unfold.

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