Saturday, November 05, 2016

There are moments through my adult years where I get impressed when I look back.  These are the times when I busted butt, pushed through, and got so much done and I can't - when looking back - understand how I did it.  One stretch of time on that list is when I worked on my masters degree, while working full time, teaching online part time - all while still being a season ticket holder for hockey!  How the heck did I do all of that at once?

I'm starting to look back at my hard work earlier this year to completely clean the house top to bottom and ready things for sale as one of these stretches of time (albeit not as long of a period as was my masters degree, it was still a great deal more physically strenuous).  While it's good  I see it that way, it is also depressing because I haven't seen the fruit of that labor just yet.  I was pondering all of this while I was outside working today simply because "it needed done".  I realized I need to give myself some credit.  Yes, I've outsourced most of the mowing and the snow plowing for years, but damnit I deserve it - I do alot for myself around here.

I finally got out of bed this morning when Saffy finally roused to go potty.  That was around 9am.  I cheated a little when it comes to daylight savings time and I changed my personal clocks first thing this morning.  Now I not only feel like I got up shortly after 8, but I also felt like I had a much longer day to accomplish things, which is probably what got me thinking about what I am capable of when things simply need done.

Today I ran to Big Lots and Ollies, and then went to the Richland Cemetery where I got through 2 whole sections taking more photos!  The weather was barely in the 50's but it felt great and the sun was out which helped me along.  Getting back to the house I got in gear and made a large batch of ham and potato soup, which turned out amazing.  My feet were already aching at that point, but I forced myself back outside to leaf blow and mulch up more of the fallen offenders.  This needed done to keep things in ship-shape for showings.

My feet are barking right now - so I'm having a hard time convincing myself to get on top of the next task -- NO BAKES! I want to make a regular batch and a pumpkin batch.  If I get them done tonight I'll have them to fill empty containers to return to friends tomorrow and the rest will go to work on Monday to get hauled back to the AJ office.

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