Friday, November 20, 2015

I don't know what got into me but I've been moving along all evening.  I swung through the mall snagging another Christmas gift quickly and jetted to the post office to get some things out before they closed.  After getting home I fired up the big pot and made another batch of pasta sauce using up the last of my fresh basil, the tomatoes I've been gathering for a while (fresh frozen), and the last pepper off of one of my pepper plants.  While it cooked I got my workout in, which was very necessary since I missed last night due to a Norwex party for Mrs. Davey T.

Normally after eating I'd expect to sit for a little while, heck I should sit still and get some researching done that is on my to do list.  Instead I put away the autumn leaves decorations, and started pulling out the Christmas decorations.  Since I wanted to put a few things out I had to dust.  The tree is in position without ornaments and the stockings are hung at this point.  It's early for me, but I had the time and the motivation so it happened.

I then went to take the tupperware containers of cooled sauce to the basement and suddenly I found myself chipping away at the ice on that freezer.  I really need to totally defrost it, but until we have some truly cold weather so I can put food outside I just needed a quicky fix.  Since I was doing that I pulled a couple of things out of there and tossed them to the trash as well.  TWO CLEAN FREEZERS, can you believe it?  I also found couple more baggies of tomatoes *rats* so I'll need to make another small batch of sauce in the near term.

I also found another pie.  I should be ashamed of this, but I refuse to be - after all we thought we had eaten the last of Mom's pies.

No too shabby for a Friday evening.

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