Thursday, March 27, 2014

I've neglected to follow up here, so now is the time.  If you recall, Petco had told me they were going to give me credits on my Pals rewards after I contacted them about my accumulated purchases being wiped out and meaning nothing when they transitioned me to their new 'plan'.  Well, they never applied those credits.  I've tried contacting them with their email stating they'd do this and have heard absolutely nothing back.  Congrats Petco, you've lost 99.9% of my business with the exception of ON the girls' birthdays, and only then because I have no other option of a place to take them locally where they're welcome.
I have been dragging this week.  I went to bed fairly early last night, and slept well, so the only thing I have left to blame it on is the resurgence of hella cold dragging my body back into hibernate mode.  At least I got a little yard work done last weekend, at this point I'm pretty sure that is the extent of our spring.

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