Saturday, December 28, 2013

I'm ready for a nap.  I got my butt to the apartment this morning and spent until mid-afternoon there.  The windows are wiped down (quickly, it may have been pretty nice out today but it was still too cold to fully wash the windows), the curtains ironed and rehung, everything accounted for, and general cleaning accomplished.  I'll probably still go do a little more dusting (once everything I kicked up today settles) and scrub the floors, but I'd say it's pretty done.  I wish someone had done the cleaning over here for me in the mean time.

My washer and dryer has been running a good bit in the past 24 hours, 4 loads to cover the linens, towels, curtains, comforter, and blankets for the apartment, then a couple of loads for myself.  This just gets me thinking that I prb need to pull the dryer connection to clear lint at some point.

I did have a very lovely gal stop by while I was cleaning, you know how you just get a feel for some people, so I'm hopeful.  Well, actually I had a couple of other gals stop by too - Heidi and Miss Ella!  Which was a very welcome little break.

I ran to Altmeyers to get a new table cloth for the table since the old one was just too big and ended up buying myself a new shower caddy, so I can move the old one to the apartment to give a little more flexibility in the bathroom.  Then to Iggle so I could snag my pork to cook for New Years.

Maybe a fruity with Mithy tonight?  Maybe.

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