Monday, November 18, 2013

Score!  I created an account on an Italian Genealogy site late last evening.  Figuring what the heck I posted some information I know and boom.  This morning I had several replies including ones that showed me the handwritten record of my grandmother's birth in Bonefro and of her parents' marriage... which listed both of their parents names!

I'll tell you this, my family is notorious for passing down names.  Michele had Francesco, who had a Michele, who had a Francesco.  In the same family on the opposite side Maria had a Lucia who had a Maria who had a Lucy... oh, but the one Michele's Frank also had a Lucy.  Then there is dad, Anthony, who is most likely named for his grandmother Antoinette, and his sister had the same middle name.   GGGrandfather Giuseppe?  Uncle Joe.  Grandpa Nicola, my dad's son Nicholas and oh, that one Frank had a Nicholas too.

Either way good stuff, especially since this is the first real progress on my father's side.

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