Sunday, September 01, 2013

Ok, no overnight company this weekend but Mithy and Miss Addie stopped in, so I guess it's good that it was in a slightly improved state.  Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day at Saint Michael festival volunteering at one of the food stands from the Portage Summerfest.  I met some nice folks, people watched, and got a bit of sun - I had a good time, but I was tuckered out last night, so it took a bit of effort to get up at a reasonable hour today.  Needed to be done in order to get to Altoona and return my sister to the State College airport.  I hung around at mom's for a little while after, but then headed back up the mountain.

I was feeling feisty so I got outside and pulled out the gladiolus bulbs, cutting them off, and gathering up the stalks for trash.  Let me tell you how many freaking bulbs there were - holy man.  To think I started with a bag of 10-15 a few years ago, it is just insane how many bulbs I have out there ready to replant out back somewhere.

I then started to pull a few weeds near the apartment, pulling out some of the crazy nasturtium plants and gathering seeds, even though I planned on really going at that tomorrow.  Well, I didn't get super far before I ended up with a bee by my hair.  As I flipped my hair about to try and deter him I saw the others coming out.  Fortunately I only got one sting - in my hair.  The kicker is I thought I had him dealt with before I headed in the house at a quick pace, but apparently he was still in there.  I felt the need to brush my hair to try and purge at the thought of bees in my hair.  That's when he stung me just back from my bangs and the he flew up in the bedroom towards the light.  By the time I came back in with the fly swatter he was AWOL.  So, now there is a bee somewhere in my bedroom.  Great.  Just great.  That won't create any anxiety or horrendous dreams this evening, now will it?

So, yea, I have bees (or some type of wasp - these looked more like the smaller bee-like ones that were near my door a month or so ago, not the yellow jackets) behind my retaining wall now too.  I spent over $200 to get rid of bees once this summer.  I highly doubt a different location will be covered on the warranty, but you know I'll call and try.  We'll see.  If not I'll be buying what I can get (now that I know the tactic they use is some type of powder) at Home Depot tomorrow.  I guess I won't be getting as much weeding done as I would have liked tomorrow, at least, not over there.  The weeds seem to be extra crazy this year.

Then there is out back, where I keep ending up with a sludge of mud washed down behind the basement door.  I suspect when the heavy rains hit it's just washing out over the back of the house, not into the gutter.  So, let me guess, it's time to pay someone to clean that again, right?  Well the leaves are just changing, so why bother.  Home ownership often results in me demonstrating I'm insane.  I guess I don't expect different results, but it sure would be nice.

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