Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm not sure how we got to Thursday night so fast.  Each day seemed to be so long, it doesn't add up, but I'll take it.  As to not only post on the negative side, I think it's safe to say I'm good at work for a while.  Not certain on length right now, but nothing of immediate concern.  Of course, now that I posted this I'm sure something will change tomorrow.  C'est la vie.

I left a bit early today since I had to put in a few hours one other evening.  I promptly spent this 'extra' time with a nap.  I'm really hoping we have nice weather Saturday so I can seal the decks.  I guess if the weather doesn't give us one nice day I have plenty of other things I need to accomplish.

I did get to see my Mithy for a little while last night, that was nice, even if it felt rushed thanks to needing to clean the gutters (again) before the rain came.  Nothing else exciting to talk about.  Sorry, world.

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