Friday, September 21, 2012

Well, the good news is I was in bed by 10:30 last night.  The bad news is it is because I skipped a walk.  I also have my full sheet of (college-lined) paper worth of to dos half way crossed off.  It's probably this list and feeling ill prepared that had me awake at 1am and 5am last night.  Now, at 1am you're thrilled because you wake feeling decently rested and peek at the clock to learn you still have a whole night ahead of you - YAY!  At 5am you're still excited because you've got a solid two hours, but you also realize you still feel pretty exhausted because you're not dropping down far enough into sleep - BOO!
Earlier this week the starter was removed on the Durango, so now we have a bit of a waiting game to see if that does anything for me.  Of course, they didn't undo all of their wiring, so you'd imagine any short or bad action taken along the line could be the issue and removing the starter wouldn't do diddly for you.  I also got my allergy shot Wednesday, but I'm totally stuffed, on the verge of a headache, and had an incredibly itchy nose last night.  Sup with that?  It had best fade as we head into the weekend.  I do love the autumn, but not the autumn allergies.
Oh, and when I pulled out the tomato plants I think I mentioned that I left the peppers.  I also took down the fencing around the top, so guess who keeps hopping in there and trying to dig.  Little bugger!  I keep telling her thanks for the help but mummy doesn't want the peppers out yet.  Ok, time to get on my morning... that means coffee!

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