Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dani was already showing notable improvement by late afternoon, walking the stairs out back, albeit slowly, to head outside on her own.  She was all wagging tails and happy to take her pill again this morning, so I think we'll be doing swimmingly in just a couple days.  With everyone in full-on nap mode I headed out last evening to catch up with Phil over a po-boy and a couple yummy beers at Southside.
Tonight I am entertaining, may as well get this stuff in while the house is in a reasably clean state from last weekend.  I tried to stop and grab some filet and brussel sprouts last night but Iggle disappointed.  I mean, really a run on brussel sprouts?  How do you explain being out?  When I saw the filet looking less than awesome I just turned and headed for the hills... hopefully everything will be right with the world tonight so I have food to cook when I get home!
By the way, it's Thursday - already!  Time really does start to fly the older you get.

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