Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who doesn't love a long weekend?  This one seems to be going fast though.  Friday night I was in bed shortly after 9, just totally wiped out.  I tried to sleep in a bit on Saturday so I had the stamina to survive it, but I think I should have had a nap as well.  There was running to be accomplished, I am on a quest to find a gray pair of shorts or capris and several appointments to my peeps.

First up, sushi w/ Eggs, Tonya, Jax, Kristy, Gail, DP, Adam, Tom and H-Dub.  Great chats, good food - had one roll and tried the blue marlin (not sushi) which was delightful.  From there, since it's a holiday Rex is in town, so he, Mithy, and I started at Hometown and moved on to the Alibi.  I had a lovely headache going from dinner, not sure what there gave me an issue - perhaps it's time for food allergy testing as well.  It's been a long time since we played photo hunt and 11ball on the MEGA-touch, so it was a good time, despite my head's discomfort.

Today is picnic time with mom.  Since the Durango decided to zap out again I have to jump her before I can leave.  Hopefully this drive will be enough to give it a good charge that will hold.  I just got my registration renewal or I would have already had her down at Wagner's for another set of eyes to see if it is just that the battery wasn't fully charged or if there is some other issue.  C'mon cosmic vehicle God's... you gotta keep her running and happy for another 5 years or more!

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