Saturday, April 09, 2011

I kind of kept up with the three things today, but a couple of the items on the list were less time and effort consuming. Regardless, they needed accomplished, so they should count, right? It's still chilly and drizzly out, so I sure wasn't outside getting muddy and gross, but I might have to suck it up tomorrow in order to get those things done. If I don't I can see it easily taking another 2 and 1/2 weeks to get back to it. Um, May is no time to START planting things outside.

I'll also note that the stuff that I've started growing inside grows so incredibly slowly. Seriously? How do people manage to do this and ever get anything fruit-bearing???

I'm also rather peeved with my body right now, I am ill prepared to say more right now, but suffice it to say that I really miss being 100% regulated and knowing what is happening when. Meh.

Finally, in order to end on a positive note, I've booked a semi-spur of the moment bitchin vacation. I'll share more details soon, but I can say this - I feel 100% okay canceling Alaska as a result, but since this vacation isn't a cruise, I still have to pick another replacement for the Alaska cruise.

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