Monday, October 25, 2010

This is officially the best Monday ever. Ok, I'm sure there have been better, maybe a war ended on a Monday or something else pretty cool, but this Monday is still pretty sweet. First, headed to Ross and TJ Maxx after work. Picked up a couple things that have been on my mind in preparation for the future, but that's not the cool part... the cool part is they removed many of those completely unnecessary and annoying as all hell stop signs that were every 20 feet on the way through there!

That by itself warranted a huge smile and rejoicing, but then - I went to Valley Dairy. They have new menus which have brought back the stuffed french toast. Oh heaven and bliss. I also brought home a half gallon of pumpkin ice cream for the fridge *grin*. Despite the rain today, it was a good day. Maybe I should go put together the furniture bought for the kitchen so I feel like I did something productive there today. Otherwise, I'm at a halt as I consider what to do with my uncle's advice.

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