Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why do I try? Just answer me that. So I spent some money trying to make the house look nicer and as I previously reported people told me they saw things being done wrong. The DirecTV dish wasn't lined up right anymore because the roof it's on (over the apartment entry) is rotting and needs torn down and completely replaced.

Earlier I came in as the rain was starting and watched it pouring out of the corner of the gutters out front, not coming down where it's suppose to. Now here I sit listening to the rain dripping in my living room. Yes, the very same living room I just finished redoing a couple of years ago. All that work - for shit. I'm sure I'll have a nice water mark, and who knows what else. So what - now I get to spend another grand putting more tar and shit on my roof, knowing it will leak again in another 2 or 3 years?

I just can't stand to have to deal with this stuff all by myself much longer. I can't do it. What am I still being punished for? What the hell did I do to deserve a life of solitary confinement?

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