Wednesday, July 07, 2010

It was a piss in Judy's wheaties kind of evening. First there was the indecisive family in front of me at Ross, which I just swung into on the way home. They were so indecisive, 10 minutes later I could take no more and tossed my two clearance items on the closest rack and left. Now, I don't do that... if I pick something up and later change my mind, I return it to "where I found it" like a good girl. So you know I was at the end of my rope.

That should have set the tone, and I should have known better. Instead, I decided to call DirecTV since several of my channels have been hit or miss lately. I had a very pleasant customer service rep, but she had no clue either. I have no idea what a 'multiswitch' is, but I can promise you it's not on the back of my receiver, no matter how many times you tell me 'on the back of your receiver'. So I look it up and I am betting if I have one it's prb downstairs somewhere (I didn't wire it for goodness sake). Regardless I am not paying $45-50 to have them come fix it for me when things worked and then suddenly didn't and I didn't change a thing.

Here's where the stupidity on my part comes in... so I climbed on out on the roof (yeah, me - brave!) and tried tinkering with it. Of course, the AZ/EL specified is NOT what the guy had it set to - at least not exactly. And... of course, after I started mucking with things, the few channels I had (notice I said had) evolved into a happy little directv symbol (aka - no signal).

On a bright note, without distraction from the TV I got my new catalogs that arrived tonight all stamped and ready to rock. Now, if only it would cool off so I could straighten things out upstairs (again). The sister and niece (eventually) got in to SCE today... so hopefully I'll get to steal the kiddo to hang out sometime soon.

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