Friday, August 15, 2008

Last night I took in the latest Mummy movie. *spoiler warning* I didn't like the replacement wife, felt the fact that their kid was grown was a bit hard to believe since neither parent really aged, was incredibly distracted by the nasty grown on Fraser's nose, and found some of the CGI a bit crappy. The movie wasn't bad perse, it just wasn't as good as it could have been. The fact that the emperor was immortal for such a short period and was able to just tra-la-la walk into shangra-la despite the witch and her daughter being "on watch" made the movie seem abbreviated and cut short.

I spent last night having strange vivid dreams again. The night before it was a friend pissing me off by having people over at my place and making a mess and generally disrespecting my space last night it was a move and a lost job and just a complete state of confusion. So I slept, but it just wasn't restful - and it left me quite fuzzy today. I did wake up on time, heck got to work a half an hour early, but ended up leaving around lunch time and taking a little bit of vacation time to nap away the afternoon.

I clearly felt better, because this evening I did a little bit of yard work and feel a ton better. Gratefully I have the rest of the weekend to relax a little more, get some more things done, and to get more real sleep.

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