Monday, January 14, 2008

Let's talk about "say what you really mean" in marketing:

Domino's... you're only kidding old people and little kids with your "BFD". Big fantastic deal, right. In this case, this marketer pulled an easter egg on his company. You also drew my attention QUICKLY to the TV when I heard BFD. Kudos to you. You're probably laughing all the way to the bank to cash your paycheck.

WWF TNA - Total Nonstop Action? Um, no. Granted this lovely acronym truly fits what they're trying to sell, at least as evidenced by the half naked women prancing about now a days. I use to adore wrestling when I was younger. Did you see Ms. Elizabeth scantily clad? NO! The pay per view specials may as well be porn, since they rape you in the price anyhow.

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